Learn about teachers, police officers, firefighters, and other people who work in a community. This richly visual learning library introduces basic lessons tied closely to early childhood curriculum topics. Each spread includes introductory text, colorful illustrations with detailed captions, and photographs that show real-world examples of the featured topic. Puzzle pages, fun facts, and true/false quizzes appear at the end of each volume.
Learn about teachers, police officers, firefighters, and other people who work in a community. This richly visual learning library introduces basic le...
Learn about the different ways that animal babies live, learn, and grow. This richly visual learning library introduces basic lessons tied closely to early childhood curriculum topics. Each spread includes introductory text, colorful illustrations with detailed captions, and photographs that show real-world examples of the featured topic. Puzzle pages, fun facts, and true/false quizzes appear at the end of each volume.
Learn about the different ways that animal babies live, learn, and grow. This richly visual learning library introduces basic lessons tied closely to ...
Learn about teachers, police officers, firefighters, and other people who work in a community. This richly visual learning library introduces basic lessons tied closely to early childhood curriculum topics. Each spread includes introductory text, colorful illustrations with detailed captions, and photographs that show real-world examples of the featured topic. Puzzle pages, fun facts, and true/false quizzes appear at the end of each volume.
Learn about teachers, police officers, firefighters, and other people who work in a community. This richly visual learning library introduces basic le...
The information revolution makes understanding knowledge and development more urgent than before. New communication technologies and plummeting computing costs are transforming distance and eroding borders and time, but the fact remains that people still lack basic, life-saving knowledge because simple information does not flow as readily as one would hope. This year's Report, the twenty-first in this annual series, examines the role of knowledge in advancing economic and social well being. It proposes that we step back from the familiar problems of development and consider them from a fresh,...
The information revolution makes understanding knowledge and development more urgent than before. New communication technologies and plummeting comput...
Le Congo est engage dans un processus de reformes economiques et sociales depuis le milieu des annees 80. Ces reformes structurelles visent la restructuration du secteur public, le desengagement de l'Etat de la sphere de production, la restructuration et la promotion du secteur prive. Les structures du secteur prive sont representees par les cliniques, les centres medico-sociaux, les cabinets medicaux, et les cabinets de soins. L'une des orientations de la politique nationale de sante stipule que l'Etat doit redefinir ses responsabilites en ouvrant le secteur de la sante a d'autres acteurs...
Le Congo est engage dans un processus de reformes economiques et sociales depuis le milieu des annees 80. Ces reformes structurelles visent la restruc...
Since the Rose Revolution at the end of 2003, Georgia has had singular success in fighting corruption in a variety of public services. This book is an attempt to chronicle these efforts and to distil the 'how to' of these anti-corruption reforms. The reason corruption in public services had to be fought was clear. What had to be done was also obvious to many. But little has been written on 'how' the government made it happen. What were the salient features of Georgia's anti-corruption reforms? Can Georgia's success with cleaning up its public services be replicated elsewhere or is it unique?...
Since the Rose Revolution at the end of 2003, Georgia has had singular success in fighting corruption in a variety of public services. This book is an...