Investing to promote agricultural growth and poverty reduction is a central pillar of the World Bank's current rural strategy, 'Reaching the Rural Poor' (2003). This 'Sourcebook' addresses how to implement the rural strategy, by sharing information on investment options and identifying innovative approaches that will aid the design of future lending programs for agriculture. It provides generic good practices and many examples that demonstrate investment in agriculture can provide rewarding and sustainable returns to development efforts. It is divided into eleven self-contained modules. Each...
Investing to promote agricultural growth and poverty reduction is a central pillar of the World Bank's current rural strategy, 'Reaching the Rural Poo...
Sustainable poverty reduction and equitable economic development rest on the firm foundation of the rule of law. On the domestic front, countries must engage in legal reform in order to maximize the benefits of globalization, increase efficiency in business transactions, improve the way governments deliver essential services, and facilitate access to an effective justice system. Internationally, new rules are needed to face global threats such as money laundering, destabilizing capital movements, communicable diseases, and attacks on the environment. The first volume of The World Bank...
Sustainable poverty reduction and equitable economic development rest on the firm foundation of the rule of law. On the domestic front, countries must...
Are dogs related to wolves? How many hours a day do cats spend sleeping? How often do hamsters give birth? Read this book to find out Part of World Book's Learning Ladders series, this book introduces children to common household pets, such as dogs, cats, rabbits, and guinea pigs. Each spread includes introductory text, colorful illustrations with detailed captions, and photographs that show real-world examples of the featured topic. Puzzle pages, fun facts, and true/false quizzes appear at the end of each volume.
Are dogs related to wolves? How many hours a day do cats spend sleeping? How often do hamsters give birth? Read this book to find out Part of World B...
What causes the seasons to change? How many hours do elephants spend eating each day? What are the largest creatures that ever lived? Read this book to find out Part of World Book's Learning Ladders series, this book introduces children to the basic needs of all living things. Each spread includes introductory text, colorful illustrations with detailed captions, and photographs that show real-world examples of the featured topic. Puzzle pages, fun facts, and true/false quizzes appear at the end of each volume.
What causes the seasons to change? How many hours do elephants spend eating each day? What are the largest creatures that ever lived? Read this book t...
What is the world's most popular sport? What country invented ballet? What musical instrument plays an important role in African music? Read this book to find out Part of World Book's Learning Ladders series, this book introduces children to common hobbies that people have, such as sports, dance, playing music, or reading. Each spread includes introductory text, colorful illustrations with detailed captions, and photographs that show real-world examples of the featured topic. Puzzle pages, fun facts, and true/false quizzes appear at the end of each volume.
What is the world's most popular sport? What country invented ballet? What musical instrument plays an important role in African music? Read this book...
Which California trees can grow to be taller than the Statue of Liberty? What is the name the insect-eating plant found along the coasts of North Carolina and South Carolina? Read this book to find out Part of World Book's Learning Ladders series, this book introduces children to different kinds of plants that can be found throughout the world. Children learn about plant life cycles, habitats, and the importance of plants for human survival. Each spread includes introductory text, colorful illustrations with detailed captions, and photographs that show real-world examples of the featured...
Which California trees can grow to be taller than the Statue of Liberty? What is the name the insect-eating plant found along the coasts of North Caro...
How big is the Sahara Desert? What is the name of a large seaweed that forms huge underwater forests in the ocean? Read this book to find out Part of World Book's Learning Ladders series, this book introduces children to deserts, forests, grasslands, wetlands, polar regions, coral reefs, and other places where plants and animals live. Each spread includes introductory text, colorful illustrations with detailed captions, and photographs that show real-world examples of the featured topic. Puzzle pages, fun facts, and true/false quizzes appear at the end of each volume.
How big is the Sahara Desert? What is the name of a large seaweed that forms huge underwater forests in the ocean? Read this book to find out Part of...
Learn about patterns found in nature, such as the movement of the stars, the lunar cycle, the seasons, and animal migrations. Part of World Book's Learning Ladders series, this book introduces children to patterns found in nature, such as the movement of stars, the lunar cycle, the seasons, and animal migrations. Each spread includes introductory text, colorful illustrations with detailed captions, and photographs that show real-world examples of the featured topic. Puzzle pages, fun facts, and true/false quizzes appear at the end of each volume.
Learn about patterns found in nature, such as the movement of the stars, the lunar cycle, the seasons, and animal migrations. Part of World Book's Lea...
What are the five main food groups? Are peanuts really nuts? Does wheat cover more of Earth's surface than any other food crop? Read this book to find out Part of World Book's Learning Ladders series, this book introduces children to nutrition and healthy eating habits. Each spread includes introductory text, colorful illustrations with detailed captions, and photographs that show real-world examples of the featured topic. Puzzle pages, fun facts, and true/false quizzes appear at the end of each volume.
What are the five main food groups? Are peanuts really nuts? Does wheat cover more of Earth's surface than any other food crop? Read this book to find...
How much of the world's water is found in the oceans? How many volcanoes erupt each year? How was the Grand Canyon formed? Read this book to find out Part of World Book's Learning Ladders series, this book tells children about different kinds of landforms and how they shape Earth. Children also learn about bodies of water and their importance to people. Each spread includes introductory text, colorful illustrations with detailed captions, and photographs that show real-world examples of the featured topic. Puzzle pages, fun facts, and true/false quizzes appear at the end of each volume.
How much of the world's water is found in the oceans? How many volcanoes erupt each year? How was the Grand Canyon formed? Read this book to find out ...