The rapid growth of the world population - nearly six-fold over the last hundred years - combined with the rising number of technical installations especially in the industrialized countries has lead to ever tighter and more strained living spaces on our planet. Because ofthe inevitable processes oflife, man was at first an exploiter rather than a careful preserver of the environment. Environmental awareness with the intention to conserve the environment has grown only in the last few decades. Environmental standards have been defined and limit values have been set largely guided, however, by...
The rapid growth of the world population - nearly six-fold over the last hundred years - combined with the rising number of technical installations es...
Tumour therapy depends essentially on being able to destroy the clonogenic activity of tumour cells while keeping the damage to the normal tissue low. Clinical experience shows that tumour response varies greatly even if tumours with the same localisation, clinical, and histopathological staging are compared. Some tumours appear to be resistant to conventional radiotherapy (X-rays, y-rays or fast electrons) or chemotherapy. In these cases new therapy modalities are necessary. Combined therapy modalities seem to have advan- tages for some resistant tumours; one possibility of such a treatment...
Tumour therapy depends essentially on being able to destroy the clonogenic activity of tumour cells while keeping the damage to the normal tissue low....
Eberhard Scherer Christian Streffer Klaus-R Diger Trott
The biologic effects of radiation on normal tissues and tumors represent a complex area for investigation. These effects are of far-reaching consequence to the diagnostic radiologist and the radiation oncologist having a significant impact not only in concepts relative to radiation protection but also in concepts relative to tumor biology and its response to radiation injury. The volume edited by SCHERER, STREFFER, and TROTT represents an extension of basic radiation biology data into the effects of radiation in producing pathology in organs and tissues. The data presented by the multiple...
The biologic effects of radiation on normal tissues and tumors represent a complex area for investigation. These effects are of far-reaching consequen...
Eberhard Scherer Christian Streffer Klaus-R Diger Trott
The aim of radiation protection standards is to make the radiation workplace as safe as is humanly possible. The gradual evolution over the last 20 years has been towards a more precise definition of the limits for occupational exposure. These have been created not only in terms of short-term effects but also more importantly in terms of long-term risks involving such problems as the potential for carcinogenesis and genetic change. In the United States the National Committee for Radiation Protection has recom mended that 5 rems (50 mSv) should remain as the maximum permissible dose equiva...
The aim of radiation protection standards is to make the radiation workplace as safe as is humanly possible. The gradual evolution over the last 20 ye...
Die menschliche Entwicklung ist seit jeher von einer gesicherten Energieversorgung abhaauml;ngig, die heute aus Gruuuml;nden der Machbarkeit und der Umweltbelastungen global betrachtet werden muss. Angesichts eines weltweit steigenden Energiebedarfs kommt der sicheren und preiswerten Bereitstellung von Energie daher eine Schlusselrolle in der menschlichen Entwicklung zu. Auf der Basis der heutigen und zukunftig moouml;glichen Energietechnologien sowie der Kenntnisse der zur Verfugung stehenden Ressourcen erarbeitet die Studie Beurteilungen der weltweiten Energieversorgung unter Einbeziehung...
Die menschliche Entwicklung ist seit jeher von einer gesicherten Energieversorgung abhaauml;ngig, die heute aus Gruuuml;nden der Machbarkeit und der U...
Im Rahmen dieser Studie werden aus naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischer, soziologischer, okonomischer, juristischer und philosophischer Perspektive Notwendigkeit, Realisierbarkeit und Konsequenzen von Umweltstandards fur kombinierte Expositionen untersucht. Auf Expositionen des Menschen - dabei besonders deren karzinogene sowie genotoxische Wirkungen - sowie Expositionen einer Auswahl von Pflanzen, anhand derer die pragmatisch dringlichsten Fragen beantwortet werden, ist das Hauptaugenmerk der Studie gerichtet. Auf der Grundlage einer auf Wirkungsmechanismen basierenden Kategorisierung...
Im Rahmen dieser Studie werden aus naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischer, soziologischer, okonomischer, juristischer und philosophischer Perspektive Not...