This new edition of Robert Sommer and Barbara Sommer's successful book A Practical Guide to Behavioral Research continues to emphasize a hands-on, multimethod, and interdisciplinary approach to behavioral research in psychology, sociology, and anthropology. It expands the fourth edition's coverage of computer-related research methods and employs an international perspective, presenting general principles and their practical applications. Like previous editions, A Practical Guide to Behavioral Research, 5/e, covers the four major approaches to behavioral research...
This new edition of Robert Sommer and Barbara Sommer's successful book A Practical Guide to Behavioral Research continues to emphasize a hand...
This new edition of Robert Sommer and Barbara Sommer's successful book A Practical Guide to Behavioral Research continues to emphasize a hands-on, multimethod, and interdisciplinary approach to behavioral research in psychology, sociology, and anthropology. It expands the fourth edition's coverage of computer-related research methods and employs an international perspective, presenting general principles and their practical applications. Like previous editions, A Practical Guide to Behavioral Research, 5/e, covers the four major approaches to behavioral research...
This new edition of Robert Sommer and Barbara Sommer's successful book A Practical Guide to Behavioral Research continues to emphasize a hand...
Widely regarded as the classic text on user-centered design of public buildings and spaces, this book studies how people relate to the designed space around them and how the design of that space can affect their behavior. Its contents are based on comprehensive academic research, the conclusions it draws are highly applicable in real-world projects, and the style of presentation is lucid and interesting. The author; Robert Sommer, deals with topics such as privacy, spatial invasion, small-group ecology and looks at the role of design in settings that include airports, stations, hospitals and...
Widely regarded as the classic text on user-centered design of public buildings and spaces, this book studies how people relate to the designed space ...
California and the Western States are rich in abundant and diverse species of mushrooms. Amateur mushroom collectors and mycologists alike will find over 300 species of the region s most common, distinctive, and ecologically important mushrooms profiled in this comprehensive field guide. It provides the most up-to-date science on the role of fungi in the natural world, methods to identify species, and locations of mushroom habitats. With excellent color illustrations showing top and side views of mushrooms of the Western States and a user-friendly text, it is informative but still light...
California and the Western States are rich in abundant and diverse species of mushrooms. Amateur mushroom collectors and mycologists alike will find o...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich Sozialpadagogik / Sozialarbeit, Note: 2,0, Fachhochschule Erfurt, Veranstaltung: Theorie der sozialen Arbeit, 11 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In der folgenden Arbeit soll der Versuch unternommen werden, das sozialarbeiterische Handeln innerhalb eines Gemeindepsychiatrischen Wohnverbundes in Jena theoretisch zu reflektieren. Der Wohnverbund ist eine gGmbH des Vereines "Aktion Wandlungswelten" und hat sich einer lebensweltorientierten Arbeit mit chronisch psychisch kranken Menschen verschrieben. Die...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich Sozialpadagogik / Sozialarbeit, Note: 2,0, Fachhochschule Erfurt, Veranstaltung: Theorie der sozialen A...