Industrial or business to business marketing places very different demands on the marketing function to those traditionally seen in consumer marketing. A key problem is that managers in the business-to-business field often possess strong technical and professional skills, but have only a weak understanding of formal marketing concepts and how to make them work to gain business benefits.
Industrial or business to business marketing places very different demands on the marketing function to those traditionally seen in consumer marketing...
Innovations are always exceptional events in company life and they tend to stay in the hands of technicians or design offices - they are peripheral to mainstream business and people do not know how to manage them. In 'Marketing the Unknown', Paul Millier attempts to find new answers to these innovation problems, on the grounds that each problem is unique and that there is not necessarily a known recipe for it or a success story that corresponds. Paul Millier lays down firm principles to guide systematic and constructive plans for the marketing and development of technological innovations....
Innovations are always exceptional events in company life and they tend to stay in the hands of technicians or design offices - they are peripheral to...