Collection of Jan Neruda's intimate, wry, bitter-sweet stories of life among the inhabitants of Mala Strana, the Little Quarter of nineteenth century Prague. These finely tuned and varied vignettes established Neruda as the quintessential Czech nineteenth century realist, the Charles Dickens of a Prague becoming ever more aware of itself as a Czech, rather than an Austrian city. Prague Tales is a classic story whose influence has been acknowledged by generations of Czech writers, including Ivan Klima, who has contributed an introduction to this new translation.
Collection of Jan Neruda's intimate, wry, bitter-sweet stories of life among the inhabitants of Mala Strana, the Little Quarter of nineteenth century ...
Lizentiatsarbeit aus dem Jahr 2001 im Fachbereich BWL - Marketing, Unternehmenskommunikation, CRM, Marktforschung, Social Media, Note: 2,0, Universitat Basel (Wirtschaftswissenschaften), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Inhaltsangabe: Einleitung: Diese Diplomarbeit im Rahmen des Lizentiatsstudiums der Wirtschaftswissenschaften befasst sich mit Beziehungsaspekten der Markenfuhrung und versucht neue Ideen und Konzepte am Beispiel der Vermarktung von Mobilfunkdienstleistungen aufzuzeigen. Die Arbeit geht dabei vom Konzept des Relationship Marketing (vgl. Bruhn, Christopher, Gronroos) aus, welches...
Lizentiatsarbeit aus dem Jahr 2001 im Fachbereich BWL - Marketing, Unternehmenskommunikation, CRM, Marktforschung, Social Media, Note: 2,0, Universita...
"The Book of Blam," Aleksandar Ti ma s extended kaddish . . . his] masterpiece (Kirkus Reviews), is a modern-day retelling of the book of Job. The war is over. Miroslav Blam walks along the former Jew Street, and he remembers. He remembers Aaron Grun, the hunchbacked watchmaker; and Eduard Fiker, a lamp merchant; and Jakob Mentele, a stove fitter; and Arthur Spitzer, a grocer, who played amateur soccer and had non-Jewish friends; and Sandor Vertes, a lawyer who was a Communist. All dead. As are his younger sister and his best friend, a Serb, both of whom joined the resistance movement; and...
"The Book of Blam," Aleksandar Ti ma s extended kaddish . . . his] masterpiece (Kirkus Reviews), is a modern-day retelling of the book of Job. The wa...