In addition to the hardcover edition, the Theologische Realenzyklopadie is available as a paperback edition. In 1993, the first part of the TRE (vols. 1-17) was published as a paperback edition, the second part (vols. 18-27) followed in paperback in 1999. Both parts include detailed subject indexes (1-17; 1-27). Now, the third and final part of the paperback edition is being published.
The paperback volumes do not include the plates and/or fold-out maps included in the bound edition.
In addition to the hardcover edition, the Theologische Realenzyklopadie is available as a paperback edition. In 1993, the first part of th...
After the completion of the Theologische Realenzyklopadie in 2004, a newly compiled index will give access to the whole work.Volume 1 of the complete index gives a complete listing of all place references, subjects, and bible quotations. Volume 2 (published in 2007)gives a complete listing of personal names."
After the completion of the Theologische Realenzyklopadie in 2004, a newly compiled index will give access to the whole work.Volume 1 of the complete ...
This acoustics handbook for mechanical and architectural applications is a translation of the German standard work on the subject. It not only describes the state of art of engineering acoustics but also gives practical help to engineers for solving acoustic problems. It deals with the origin, the transmission and the methods of abatement of air-borne and structure-borne sound of different kinds, from traffic to machinery and flow induced sound.
This acoustics handbook for mechanical and architectural applications is a translation of the German standard work on the subject. It not only desc...
Noch vor wenigen Jahren hat man sie geringschatzig als "Unkraut" abgetan, doch in Zeiten genmanipulierter Tomaten und bestrahlter Gewurze besinnen sich wieder viele auf unverfalschte, wildwachsende Heilkrauter und Wildgemuse. Das Angebot am Wegesrand ist sehr vielfaltig, gesund und mittlerweile eine hochbegehrte Delikatesse. Die Natur schenkt uns mit Wildpflanzen einen unermesslich groen Schatz und das zum Nulltarif. Von den 12.000 Pflanzenarten, die in Mitteleuropa gedeihen, wurden von unseren Vorfahren rund 1000 verzehrt. Heute beschranken wir uns jedoch lediglich auf die Kultivierung und...
Noch vor wenigen Jahren hat man sie geringschatzig als "Unkraut" abgetan, doch in Zeiten genmanipulierter Tomaten und bestrahlter Gewurze besinnen sic...