Entsprechend der Zielsetzung der "Reihe Wissen schaft A" beabsichtigt das vorliegende Bandchen nicht, mit den in grosserer Zahl vorhandenen Lehrbuchern, Monographien und Ubersichten in Konkurrenz .zu treten. Es wurde vielmehr versucht, das Gesamtgebiet der che mischen Thermodynamik sowohl hinsichtlich der theore tischen Grundlagen als auch der experimentellen Ver fahren und der praktischen Anwendung der Ergebnisse in Form einer zusammengedrangten Ubersicht darzustel len. Diesem Bemuhen lag die Konzeption zugrunde, dem Leser einmal einen Gesamtuberblick uber das zweifellos zu den wichtigsten...
Entsprechend der Zielsetzung der "Reihe Wissen schaft A" beabsichtigt das vorliegende Bandchen nicht, mit den in grosserer Zahl vorhandenen Lehrbucher...
Rogue states' have been high on the policy agenda for many years but their theoretical significance for international relations has remained poorly understood. In contrast to the bulk of writings on 'rogue states' that address them merely as a policy challenge, this book studies what we can learn from deviance about international politics.
Rogue states' have been high on the policy agenda for many years but their theoretical significance for international relations has remained poorly un...
Im Zentrum dieses vollstandig aktualisierten Lehrbuchs steht die Analyse deutscher Auenpolitik. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf einer problemorientierten Einfuhrung anhand gangiger theoretischer und methodischer Instrumentarien, wie sie in der Auenpolitikanalyse zur Anwendung kommen. Die Leserinnen und Leser sollen mit unterschiedlichen Herangehensweisen vertraut gemacht werden, damit sie die Zusammenhange zwischen theoretischen Perspektiven und entsprechenden Forschungsmethoden auf der einen Seite und konkreten Gegenstanden der empirischen Analyse deutscher Auenpolitik auf der anderen Seite besser...
Im Zentrum dieses vollstandig aktualisierten Lehrbuchs steht die Analyse deutscher Auenpolitik. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf einer problemorientierten Ei...
Steam tables for practical industrial use are presented which have been calculated using the international standard for the thermodynamic properties of water and steam, the IAPWS-IF97 formulation, and the international standards for transport and other properties. In addition, the complete set of equations of IAPWS-IF97 is presented including all supplementary backward equations adopted by IAPWS between 2001 and 2005 for fast calculations of heat cycles, boilers, and steam turbines. For the first time these steam tables contain the following features:
Formulas to calculate...
Steam tables for practical industrial use are presented which have been calculated using the international standard for the thermodynamic propertie...
This volume comprises an outstanding variety of chapters on Earth Observation based time series analyses, undertaken to reveal past and current land surface dynamics for large areas. What exactly are time series of Earth Observation data? Which sensors are available to generate real time series? How can they be processed to reveal their valuable hidden information? Which challenges are encountered on the way, and which pre-processing is needed? And last but not least: which processes can be observed? How are large regions of our planet changing over time, and which dynamics and...
This volume comprises an outstanding variety of chapters on Earth Observation based time series analyses, undertaken to reveal past and cur...
This volume comprises an outstanding variety of chapters on Earth Observation based time series analyses, undertaken to reveal past and current land surface dynamics for large areas. What exactly are time series of Earth Observation data? Which sensors are available to generate real time series? How can they be processed to reveal their valuable hidden information? Which challenges are encountered on the way, and which pre-processing is needed? And last but not least: which processes can be observed? How are large regions of our planet changing over time, and which dynamics and...
This volume comprises an outstanding variety of chapters on Earth Observation based time series analyses, undertaken to reveal past and cur...