In this book an eminent international banking expert grapples with issues that surround the trend toward financial globalization and its potential impact on financial fragility. Does globalization entail the risk of greater financial market instability--perhaps even genuine systemic fragility--or will it lead to a smoother working of markets? How should governments, central banks, and international institutions respond to manifestations of financial fragility? Alexandre Lamfalussy analyzes four major crisis experiences in emerging markets: Latin America in 1982-83, Mexico in 1994-95, East...
In this book an eminent international banking expert grapples with issues that surround the trend toward financial globalization and its potential imp...
Ce livre rassemble les trente contributions presentees au colloque sur - le systeme monetaire international: soutenabilite et projets de reforme -, organise a Bruxelles les 3 et 4 octobre 2011 a la memoire de Robert Triffin (1911-1993). Sa vie et son uvre sont evoquees par des historiens et des temoins. Viennent ensuite des analyses par des economistes universitaires et des responsables d institutions monetaires portant sur les vices de fonctionnement du systeme actuel, sur sa responsabilite dans la crise, tant mondiale qu europeenne, et sur des reformes possibles. Elles montrent notamment...
Ce livre rassemble les trente contributions presentees au colloque sur - le systeme monetaire international: soutenabilite et projets de reforme -, or...