Much discussed but poorly understood, globalization is at once praised as the answer to all the world's problems and blamed for everything from pollution to poverty. Here Berger and Huntington bring together an array of experts who paint a subtle and richly shaded portrait, showing both the power and the unexpected consequences of this great force. The stereotypes of globalization--characterized as American imperialism on the one hand, and as an economic panacea on the other--fall apart under close scrutiny. Surveying globalization from individual countries of the five major continents,...
Much discussed but poorly understood, globalization is at once praised as the answer to all the world's problems and blamed for everything from pollut...
Called the "fifth-most important sociological book of the 20th century" by theInternational Sociological Association, this groundbreaking study of knowledge introduces the concept of "social construction" into the social sciences for the first time. In it, Berger and Luckmann reformulate the task of the sociological subdicipline that, since Max Scheler, has been known as the sociology of knowledge."
Called the "fifth-most important sociological book of the 20th century" by theInternational Sociological Association, this groundbreaking study of kno...
Written by one of the most revered sociologists of the of the 20th century, A Rumor of Angels gives readers a unique insight into the complicated relationship between religion and society. It is undeniable that religion has had a profound effect on civilization. Readers will learn just how religion and society affect one another, and how that relationship has changed in modern times, with the secularization of mainstream society. Questioning modern morality, Peter Berger offers one of the most thought provoking books on religion in the 20th century. Praise for Peter Berger A...
Written by one of the most revered sociologists of the of the 20th century, A Rumor of Angels gives readers a unique insight into the complicat...
This is a time of far-reaching change and debate in American education and social policy, spurred in part by a rediscovery that civil-society institutions are often better than government at meeting human needs. As Charles Glenn shows in this book, faith-based schools and social agencies have been particularly effective, especially in meeting the needs of the most vulnerable. However, many oppose providing public funds for religious institutions, either on the grounds that it would threaten the constitutional separation of church and state or from concern it might dilute or secularize the...
This is a time of far-reaching change and debate in American education and social policy, spurred in part by a rediscovery that civil-society insti...
Theorists of -secularization- have for two centuries been saying that religion must inevitably decline in the modern world. But today, much of the world is as religious as ever. This volume challenges the belief that the modern world is increasingly secular, showing instead that modernization more often strengthens religion.
Seven leading cultural observers examine several regions and several religions and explain the resurgence of religion in world politics. Peter L. Berger opens with a global overview. The other six writers deal with particular aspects of the religious...
Theorists of -secularization- have for two centuries been saying that religion must inevitably decline in the modern world. But today, much of the wor...
Normative conflicts center on fundamental disagreements over issues of public morality and the identity of a society. In thinking about normative conflicts on a global scale, two principal questions arise. First, are there common characteristics of such conflicts worldwide? Second, which institutions polarize such conflicts and which can serve to mediate them? This pathbreaking book, edited by renowned sociologist Peter Berger, examines both questions through findings gained from a study of normative conflicts in eleven societies located in different parts of the world and at different levels...
Normative conflicts center on fundamental disagreements over issues of public morality and the identity of a society. In thinking about normative conf...
Since the first edition of this book, 17 years ago, aquaculture has consolidated its position as an important means of producing food and as a contributor to global food security. Cage aquaculture too has continued to expand apace. The third edition of this important, useful and well-received book maintains the original aim of providing a thorough synthesis of information on cages and cage aquaculture practices with data and examples encompassing all major world regions.Fully updated, the book 's comprehensive contents include details of the origin and principles of cage aquaculture and an...
Since the first edition of this book, 17 years ago, aquaculture has consolidated its position as an important means of producing food and as a contrib...
The examination of the relationship of economic activity to other important aspects of human life and social behavior has inspired some of the most interesting and provocative social-scientific research in the past one hundred years. This book of original essays by leading thinkers across many disciplines offers new insights into enduring questions about how modern and modernizing market economies are both shaped by and shapers of morality, values, and religion.
The examination of the relationship of economic activity to other important aspects of human life and social behavior has inspired some of the most in...