Originally published in German in 1935, this monograph anticipated solutions to problems of scientific progress, the truth of scientific fact and the role of error in science now associated with the work of Thomas Kuhn and others. Arguing that every scientific concept and theory including his own is culturally conditioned, Fleck was appreciably ahead of his time. And as Kuhn observes in his foreword, "Though much has occurred since its publication, it remains a brilliant and largely unexploited resource." "To many scientists just as to many historians and philosophers of science facts are...
Originally published in German in 1935, this monograph anticipated solutions to problems of scientific progress, the truth of scientific fact and the ...
This sixth volume Advances in Criminological Theory is testimony to a resurgent interest in anomie-strain theory, which began in the mid-1980s and continues unabated into the 1990s. Contributors focus on the new body of empirical research and theorizing that has been added to the anomie tradition that extends from Durkheim to Merton. The first section is a major, 75-page statement by Robert K. Merton, examining the development of the anomie-and-opportunity-struc-ture paradigm and its significance to criminology.
The Legacy of Anomie Theory assesses the theory's...
This sixth volume Advances in Criminological Theory is testimony to a resurgent interest in anomie-strain theory, which began in the mid-19...
This volume integrates two increasingly visible streams of research-economic sociology and new institutional economics-to better understand how ties among individuals and groups facilitate economic activity alongside and against the formal rules that regulate economic processes via government and law.
This volume integrates two increasingly visible streams of research-economic sociology and new institutional economics-to better understand how ties a...
This book provides insight into the lives and contributions of eigth master sociologists as perceived by their outstanding students. It provides perspectives on evolving cognitive traditions and the oral transmission of knowledge, the emergence of new ideas, the role of continuity and discontinuity in the developments of science, and the relations of these to social change.
This book provides insight into the lives and contributions of eigth master sociologists as perceived by their outstanding students. It provides pe...
This book provides insight into the lives and contributions of eigth master sociologists as perceived by their outstanding students. It provides perspectives on evolving cognitive traditions and the oral transmission of knowledge, the emergence of new ideas, the role of continuity and discontinuity in the developments of science, and the relations of these to social change.
This book provides insight into the lives and contributions of eigth master sociologists as perceived by their outstanding students. It provides pe...
Robert K. Merton Simonetta Tabboni Carlo Mongardini
This volume offers scholars of sociology and allied areas the fruits of an international conference on the contributions of the eminent Robert K. Merton. The assessment, as good in content as well as in participants, took place in Amalfi, Italy, with the participation of Merton himself and under the auspices of the Italian Sociology Association. Carlo Mongardini aptly summarizes the unique impact of Merton on the social theory of our century. "His strength as a classic writer lies in his balance, unveiling complexity, and in his humanism which looks beyond the apparent simplicity and...
This volume offers scholars of sociology and allied areas the fruits of an international conference on the contributions of the eminent Robert K. M...
Wenn ich weiter gesehen habe als andere, so deshalb, weil ich auf den Schultern von Riesen stehe. Dieser Aphorismus wird gewhnlich Isaac Newton zugeschrieben, ist in Wirklichkeit aber viel lter und kann noch heute als Sinnbild des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens gelesen werden. Der berhmte amerikanische Soziologe Robert K. Merton zeichnet die Geschichte dieses Aphorismus nach und liefert dabei ein Glanzstck frhlicher Wissenschaft, einen ebenso witzigen wie gelehrten Traktat ber das Selbstverstndnis von Wissenschaftlern und ber die Geschichte des Wissens mit all ihrem Kuriosen, Absurden und...
Wenn ich weiter gesehen habe als andere, so deshalb, weil ich auf den Schultern von Riesen stehe. Dieser Aphorismus wird gewhnlich Isaac Newton zugesc...