Considerable experience with radioecological and related ecological research on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems has been achieved, especially after the Chernobyl accident. The combined effects of the radiation, chemical and biological factors, after a contamination of the environment and during its remediation have shown an interactive complexity that highlights the need for equidosimetrical evaluations of the influence of the various stressors and the need for their ecological normalization.
In radioecology and radiation protection, methods of radiation dosimetry are key for...
Considerable experience with radioecological and related ecological research on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems has been achieved, especially af...
This text contains the proceedings of the Workshop on The Transfer of Radionuclides in Natural and Semi-Natural Environments, held at the Villa Manin, Passariano (Udine), Italy, 11-15 September 1989.
This text contains the proceedings of the Workshop on The Transfer of Radionuclides in Natural and Semi-Natural Environments, held at the Villa Manin,...
Considerable experience with radioecological and related ecological research on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems has been achieved, especially after the Chernobyl accident. The combined effects of the radiation, chemical and biological factors, after a contamination of the environment and during its remediation have shown an interactive complexity that highlights the need for equidosimetrical evaluations of the influence of the various stressors and the need for their ecological normalization.
In radioecology and radiation protection, methods of radiation dosimetry are key for...
Considerable experience with radioecological and related ecological research on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems has been achieved, especially af...
Assessment of the radiological impact of planned or existing practices involving the (actual or potential) release of radionuclides to the environment are largely based on the use of modelling techniques which allow prediction of the relationship between environmental levels and releases and the associated radiation dose to man. Models are imperfect means of representing environmental transfer processes, and it is essential to know the reliability which can be associated with the predictions of these models for each and every assessment situation. Such information is necessary in order to...
Assessment of the radiological impact of planned or existing practices involving the (actual or potential) release of radionuclides to the environment...
Since the discovery of technetium (in 1937, by Perrier and Segre), technetium-99 and technetium-99m have become most familiar in the specialised literature, the behaviour of the former being of concern regarding its health impact, the latter having been used intensively in medical tests for many years. The knowledge of the characteristics and behaviour of this element in nature is currently increasing exponentially. It has become clear, however, that there is still a serious shortage of information needed to assess properly its burden and impact on man and his environment. Technetium may...
Since the discovery of technetium (in 1937, by Perrier and Segre), technetium-99 and technetium-99m have become most familiar in the specialised liter...