Jerrold E. Marsden Gerard Misiolek Juan-Pablo Ortega
This volume provides a detailed account of the theory of symplectic reduction by stages, along with numerous illustrations of the theory. It gives special emphasis to group extensions, including a detailed discussion of the Euclidean group, the oscillator group, the Bott-Virasoro group and other groups of matrices. The volume also provides ample background theory on symplectic reduction and cotangent bundle reduction.
This volume provides a detailed account of the theory of symplectic reduction by stages, along with numerous illustrations of the theory. It gives ...
The goal of these notes is to give a reasonahly com- plete, although not exhaustive, discussion of what is commonly referred to as the Hopf bifurcation with applications to spe- cific problems, including stability calculations. Historical- ly, the subject had its origins in the works of Poincare 1] around 1892 and was extensively discussed by Andronov and Witt 1] and their co-workers starting around 1930. Hopf's basic paper 1] appeared in 1942. Although the term "Poincare- Andronov-Hopf bifurcation" is more accurate (sometimes Friedrichs is also included), the name "Hopf Bifurcation" seems...
The goal of these notes is to give a reasonahly com- plete, although not exhaustive, discussion of what is commonly referred to as the Hopf bifurcatio...
Jerrold E. Marsden Anthony J. Tromba Alan Weinstein
Basic Multivariable Calculus fills the need for a student-oriented text devoted exclusively to the third-semester course in multivariable calculus. In this text, the basic algebraic, analytic, and geometric concepts of multivariable and vector calculus are carefully explained, with an emphasis on developing the student's intuitive understanding and computational technique. A wealth of figures supports geometrical interpretation, while exercise sets, review sections, practice exams, and historical notes keep the students active in, and involved with, the mathematical ideas. All necessary...
Basic Multivariable Calculus fills the need for a student-oriented text devoted exclusively to the third-semester course in multivariable calculus. In...
Symmetry has always played an important role in mechanics, from fundamental formulations of basic principles to concrete applications. The theme of the book is to develop the basic theory and applications of mechanics with an emphasis on the role of symmetry. In recent times, the interest in mechanics, and in symmetry techniques in particular, has accelerated because of developments in dynamical systems, the use of geometric methods and new applications to integrable and chaotic systems, control systems, stability and bifurcation, and the study of specific rigid, fluid, plasma and elastic...
Symmetry has always played an important role in mechanics, from fundamental formulations of basic principles to concrete applications. The theme of th...
Symmetrie hat in der Mechanik schon immer eine grosse Rolle gespielt - von der grundlegenden Formulierung elementarer Theorien bis hin zu konkreten Anwendungen. Thema dieses Buches ist die Entwicklung der zugrunde liegenden Theorien, wobei der Rolle der Symmetrie besonderes Gewicht beigemessen wird. Ursache hierfur sind neben den Entwicklungen im Bereich dynamischer Systeme auch der Einsatz geometrischer Verfahren und neuer Anwendungen bei integrierbaren und chaotischen Systemen, Steuerungssystemen, Stabilitat und Bifurkation sowie die Erforschung starrer, flussiger, plasmaformiger und...
Symmetrie hat in der Mechanik schon immer eine grosse Rolle gespielt - von der grundlegenden Formulierung elementarer Theorien bis hin zu konkreten An...
An extraordinary mathematical conference was held 5-9 August 1990 at the University of California at Berkeley: From Topology to Computation: Unity and Diversity in the Mathematical Sciences An International Research Conference in Honor of Stephen Smale's 60th Birthday The topics of the conference were some of the fields in which Smale has worked: Differential Topology Mathematical Economics Dynamical Systems Theory of Computation Nonlinear Functional Analysis Physical and Biological Applications This book comprises the proceedings of that conference. The goal of the conference was to gather...
An extraordinary mathematical conference was held 5-9 August 1990 at the University of California at Berkeley: From Topology to Computation: Unity and...
The purpose of this book is to provide core material in nonlinear analysis for mathematicians, physicists, engineers, and mathematical biologists. The main goal is to provide a working knowledge of manifolds, dynamical systems, tensors, and differential forms. Some applications to Hamiltonian mechanics, fluid me- chanics, electromagnetism, plasma dynamics and control thcory arc given in Chapter 8, using both invariant and index notation. The current edition of the book does not deal with Riemannian geometry in much detail, and it does not treat Lie groups, principal bundles, or Morse theory....
The purpose of this book is to provide core material in nonlinear analysis for mathematicians, physicists, engineers, and mathematical biologists. The...
A presentation of some of the basic ideas of fluid mechanics in a mathematically attractive manner. The text illustrates the physical background and motivation for some constructions used in recent mathematical and numerical work on the Navier- Stokes equations and on hyperbolic systems, so as to interest students in this at once beautiful and difficult subject. This third edition incorporates a number of updates and revisions, while retaining the spirit and scope of the original book.
A presentation of some of the basic ideas of fluid mechanics in a mathematically attractive manner. The text illustrates the physical background and m...
Lawrence Sirovich will turn seventy on March 1, 2003. Larry's academic life of over 45 years at the Courant Institute, Brown University, Rockefeller University and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine has touched many peo- ple and several disciplines, from fluid dynamics to brain theory. His con- tributions to the kinetic theory of gases, methods of applied mathematics, theoretical fluid dynamics, hydrodynamic turbulence, the biophysics of vi- sion and the dynamics of neuronal populations, represent the creative work of an outstanding scholar who was stimulated mostly by insatiable curios- ity....
Lawrence Sirovich will turn seventy on March 1, 2003. Larry's academic life of over 45 years at the Courant Institute, Brown University, Rockefeller U...