In this landmark translation and commentary the National Book Award-winning poet Robert Bly brings his prowess as translator and critic to bear on the work of the indisputably major poets of the century.
In this landmark translation and commentary the National Book Award-winning poet Robert Bly brings his prowess as translator and critic to bear on the...
German poet Rainer Maria Rilke(1875-1926) enjoys ever-increasing popularity. His Duino Elegies is considered on of the greatest long poems of the twentieth century. Yet translations from his native German have always presented challenges: the elusiveness of Rilke's imagery, the playful way he both distorts and subverts his own language, and the depth and complexity of his poetry make it difficult for translators to preserve the beauty and meaning of the original text. In his stunning bilingual selection that includes the entire Duino Elegies as well as a number of...
German poet Rainer Maria Rilke(1875-1926) enjoys ever-increasing popularity. His Duino Elegies is considered on of the greatest long poems...
Malte Laurids Brigge is a young Danish nobleman and poet living in Paris. Obsessed with death and the reality that lurks behind appearances, Brigge muses on his family's history and on the teeming alien life of the city. First published in 1910, Rilke's masterpiece has proven to be one of the most influential and enduring works of fiction of our century.
Malte Laurids Brigge is a young Danish nobleman and poet living in Paris. Obsessed with death and the reality that lurks behind appearances, Brigge mu...
Rainer Maria Rilke felt that the world and all its joys most truly belonged to the young, and in 'Stories of God' he captured for them the magic, charm and wisdom of fairy and folk tales.
Rainer Maria Rilke felt that the world and all its joys most truly belonged to the young, and in 'Stories of God' he captured for them the magic, char...
In April 1898 Rainer Maria Rilke, not yet twenty-three, began a diary of his Florence visit. It was to record, in the form of an imaginary dialogue with his mentor and then-lover, Lou Andreas-Salome, his firsthand experiences of early Renaissance art. The project quickly expanded to include not only thoughts on life, history, and artistic genius, but also unguarded moments of revulsion, self-doubt, and manic expectation. The result is an intimate glimpse into the young Rilke, already experimenting brilliantly with language and metaphor. "For the lover of Rilke, this superb translation of the...
In April 1898 Rainer Maria Rilke, not yet twenty-three, began a diary of his Florence visit. It was to record, in the form of an imaginary dialogue wi...
'Flemming captures Rilke's style and mood with grace. He is a master at lining, and his use of contemporary meters, rhythm, and diction makes his translations more' readable' to a contemporary audience without losing the mysticism and lyrical quality of Rilke's poems. These translations suggest a new way to look at Rilke in English and are fine poems in their own right.' --Jack Zipes, Univ. of Wisconsin
'Flemming captures Rilke's style and mood with grace. He is a master at lining, and his use of contemporary meters, rhythm, and diction makes his tran...
In 1903, a student at a military academy sent some of his verses to a well-known Austrian poet, requesting an assessment of their value. The older artist, Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926), replied to the novice in this series of letters -- an amazing archive of remarkable insights into the ideas behind Rilke's greatest poetry. The ten letters reproduced here were written during an important stage in Rilke's artistic development, and they contain many of the themes that later appeared in his best works. The poet himself afterwards stated that his letters contained part of his creative genius,...
In 1903, a student at a military academy sent some of his verses to a well-known Austrian poet, requesting an assessment of their value. The older art...