In one of his unrelentingly caustic letters, Jerome described a man who had recently buried the latest of his 22 wives in the city of Rome. His deceased spouse had had 20 of her own. In his letter Jerome subjected the widower to all his withering sarcasm and vitriol. Yet the image of that day in 384 AD, despite Jerome's mocking disdain, impresses upon the mind an essential question about Roman social life: in the age of a supposedly Christian empire, to what degree did the new religion permeate that most basic of societal units, the family?
In one of his unrelentingly caustic letters, Jerome described a man who had recently buried the latest of his 22 wives in the city of Rome. His deceas...
This textbook introduces the reader to the field of phonology, from allophones to faithfulness and exemplars. It assumes no prior knowledge of the field, and includes a brief review chapter on phonetics. It is written within the framework of Cognitive Linguistics, but covers a wide range of historical and contemporary theories, from the Prague School to Optimality Theory. While many examples are based on American and British English, there are also discussions of some aspects of French and German colloquial speech and phonological analysis problems from many other languages around the world....
This textbook introduces the reader to the field of phonology, from allophones to faithfulness and exemplars. It assumes no prior knowledge of the fie...