(1) Beliefs are involuntary, and not nonnally subject to direct voluntary control. For instance I cannot believe at will that my trousers are on fire, or that the Dalai Lama is a living God, even if you pay me a large amount of money for believing such things. (2) Beliefs are nonnally shaped by evidence for what is believed, unless they are, in some sense, irrational. In general a belief is rational if it is proportioned to the degree of evidence that one has for its truth. In this sense, one often says that "beliefs aim at truth" . This is why it is, on the face of it, irrational to believe...
(1) Beliefs are involuntary, and not nonnally subject to direct voluntary control. For instance I cannot believe at will that my trousers are on fire,...
In the last decade mathematical crystallography has found increasing interest. Siginificant results have been obtained by algebraic, geometric, and group theoretic methods. Also classical crystallography in three-dimen- sional Euclidean space has been extended to higher dimen- sions in order to understand better the dimension independent crystallographic properties. The aim of this note is to introduce the reader to the fascinating and rich world of geometric crystallography. The prerequisites for reading it are elementary geometry and topological notations, and basic knowledge of group...
In the last decade mathematical crystallography has found increasing interest. Siginificant results have been obtained by algebraic, geometric, and gr...
In the last decade mathematical crystallography has found increasing interest. Siginificant results have been obtained by algebraic, geometric, and group theoretic methods. Also classical crystallography in three-dimen- sional Euclidean space has been extended to higher dimen- sions in order to understand better the dimension independent crystallographic properties. The aim of this note is to introduce the reader to the fascinating and rich world of geometric crystallography. The prerequisites for reading it are elementary geometry and topological notations, and basic knowledge of group...
In the last decade mathematical crystallography has found increasing interest. Siginificant results have been obtained by algebraic, geometric, and gr...
Das Buch vermittelt praktische Erfahrungen des Gesundheitswesens auf dem Wege zum umfassenden Qualitatsmanagement. Konkrete Anwendungsbeispiele ermoglichen dem Leser einen Eindruck uber die eingesetzten Instrumente, Wege, Nutzen und Hindernisse. Dabei kommt dem Aufbau von Qualitatsmanagementsystemen nach der internationalen Norm DIN EN ISO 9000 ff. als erster Schritt eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Das Buch richtet sich an alle Beschaftigen im Gesundheitsmanagement, die vor der konkreten Aufgabe stehen, Qualitatsmanagementsysteme mit dem Ziel der Zertifizierung aufzubauen und diese Systeme im...
Das Buch vermittelt praktische Erfahrungen des Gesundheitswesens auf dem Wege zum umfassenden Qualitatsmanagement. Konkrete Anwendungsbeispiele ermogl...