Maschinelle Handwerkzeuge sind ortsbewegliche Werkzeuge, deren Arbeits leistung durch unmittelbare elektromotorische, pneumatische oder mechanische Kraftiibertragung erfolgt. Die Anpressung an das zu bearbeitende Werkstiick und die Lenkung iri der gewiinschten Arbeitsrichtung geschieht jedoch meist von Hand, also durch menschliche Kraft. Die Vorzuge des einfachen und leichten Handwerkzeuges sind also mit der groBeren Leistungsfahigkeit einer Kraft maschine verbunden. Die Vorteile, die sich aus dieser Verbindung erreichen lassen, ergeben zusammengefaBt eine Steigerung der Leistung des...
Maschinelle Handwerkzeuge sind ortsbewegliche Werkzeuge, deren Arbeits leistung durch unmittelbare elektromotorische, pneumatische oder mechanische Kr...
Cell biology has made an appreciable impact on the evaluation of physiological and pathophysiological processes leading to a more detailed understanding of the signaling mechanisms by which cells communicate in vivo and in vitro and modify adaptively. By using cell culture models in addition to animal experiments we are now able to better define the overall and the selective potential of drugs. This book is designed to give information on the advantages and limitations and on new aspects and the meaning of cell culture models in pharmaceutical research.
Cell biology has made an appreciable impact on the evaluation of physiological and pathophysiological processes leading to a more detailed understandi...
As dogmas in stem cell research are losing their impact and recent findings regarding the use and cultivation of stem cells and tissue transplantation have opened up new therapeutic avenues, this Ernst Schering Research Foundation Workshop was initiated to highlight current and future approaches in this field. The only stem cells that have been used clinically for a long time is the hematopoietic stem cell as a source for bone marrow transplantation. Recent findings now indicate that hematopoietic stem cells, under certain conditions, are able to differentiate into endothelial, neural or...
As dogmas in stem cell research are losing their impact and recent findings regarding the use and cultivation of stem cells and tissue transplantation...