The field of science education has been developing for over half a century and has flourished especially during the previous few decades. It is timely and fitting now that the International Handbook of Science Education should be assembled to synthesise and reconceptualise past research and theorising in science education, provide practical implications for improving science education, and suggest desir- able ways to advance the field in the future. This Handbook provides a detailed and up-to-date overview of advanced international scholarship in science education. This two-volume,...
The field of science education has been developing for over half a century and has flourished especially during the previous few decades. It is timely...
This volume provides a needed elaboration of theories and potential applications of constructivism in science education. Although the term "constructivism" is used widely, there has been a dearth of materials to guide science educators concerning the potential of constructivism to influence what is done in the field. In fact, there has been a tendency for constructivism to be viewed as a method that can be used in a classroom. This view tends to diminish the power of constructivism as a way of thinking about education, and in particular, about science education. The chapters in this book...
This volume provides a needed elaboration of theories and potential applications of constructivism in science education. Although the term "constructi...