A major problem confronting schools is that many students are turned off from learning and are bored. Boredom is destructive of learning. The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) initiative of the US government (2001) stemmed from the claim accompanied by sharp debates pro and con that many schools in the United States fail to achieve basic educational objectives, and that many schools are doing a poor job for a wide variety of reasons and surely not just because of student boredom (Brigham, Gustashaw, Wiley, & Brigham, 2004; Essex, 2006; Goodman, Shannon, Goodman, & Rapoport, 2004; Sunderman, Tracey...
A major problem confronting schools is that many students are turned off from learning and are bored. Boredom is destructive of learning. The No Child...
A major problem confronting schools is that many students are turned off from learning and are bored. Boredom is destructive of learning. The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) initiative of the US government (2001) stemmed from the claim accompanied by sharp debates pro and con that many schools in the United States fail to achieve basic educational objectives, and that many schools are doing a poor job for a wide variety of reasons and surely not just because of student boredom (Brigham, Gustashaw, Wiley, & Brigham, 2004; Essex, 2006; Goodman, Shannon, Goodman, & Rapoport, 2004; Sunderman, Tracey...
A major problem confronting schools is that many students are turned off from learning and are bored. Boredom is destructive of learning. The No Child...
Language and Learning in the Cooperative Classroom reports the results of an experiment on the effects of cooperative learning. The authors address the following questions in detail: Is the effect of cooperative learning on achievement more salient for pupils from the majority or minority ethnic groups? Do pupils who study with the Group-Investigation method display more extensive verbal interaction with their peers than pupils who study with the Whole-Class method? Is the pupil's verbal interaction in groups related to his/her academic achievement? The findings are discussed in terms...
Language and Learning in the Cooperative Classroom reports the results of an experiment on the effects of cooperative learning. The authors add...
This professional reference provides a broad picture of cooperative learning methods. The volume includes descriptions of the main generic methods of instruction, applications of cooperative learning to various subject-matter disciplines, and discussions of the implementation of cooperative learning in schools. The book is divided into three sections. The first, on methods, includes chapters on the fundamental strategies of cooperative learning. The second, on applications, provides practical information on the use of cooperative learning in mathematics, science, and language arts...
This professional reference provides a broad picture of cooperative learning methods. The volume includes descriptions of the main generic methods ...
This professional reference provides a broad picture of cooperative learning methods. The volume includes descriptions of the main generic methods of instruction, applications of cooperative learning to various subject-matter disciplines, and discussions of the implementation of cooperative learning in schools. The book is divided into three sections. The first, on methods, includes chapters on the fundamental strategies of cooperative learning. The second, on applications, provides practical information on the use of cooperative learning in mathematics, science, and language arts...
This professional reference provides a broad picture of cooperative learning methods. The volume includes descriptions of the main generic methods ...
Schools are described as social systems whose primary organizational features are closely interrelated. Methods for coordinating these features are presented so schools can restructure their bureaucratic orientation. The interrelated nature of a school's various subsystems is highlighted to point out how they can be coordinated so genuine restructuring can be achieved and maintained.
Each model of organization in a school--bureaucratic, systems, and communal--displays its own distinguishing characteristics, and each one governs different aspects of people's behavior in schools. The...
Schools are described as social systems whose primary organizational features are closely interrelated. Methods for coordinating these features are...
This collection of theoretical and empirical research addresses the most recent advances in cooperative learning and its applications, implications, and effects on teachers and students at both the elementary and secondary levels. The central concern of the contributors is how a set of particular instruction methods affects people in classrooms and what this form of instruction contributes or fails to contribute to them. In their attempt to illuminate some of the major effects of cooperative learning methods, the contributors discuss a number of theoretical and practical issues not covered...
This collection of theoretical and empirical research addresses the most recent advances in cooperative learning and its applications, implications...
Crossovers compares Jewish anti-Zionism and Palestinian anti-Semitism from political and philosophical points of view. The authors' goal is to expose what is unique about these phenomena, and what they share, so that both ideologies and their practical impact can be better understood.
The authors identify a symbiotic relationship between anti-Semitic Palestinian doctrines and those Jews who are anti-Zionists. There has been a great deal of research on these as separate phenomena, but there has thus far been no research that has noted their similarities. Palestinian anti-...
Crossovers compares Jewish anti-Zionism and Palestinian anti-Semitism from political and philosophical points of view. The authors' goal i...
This book was written and edited as a project of the International Asso ciation for the Study of Cooperation in Education (lASCE). It grew di rectly out of the second conference of the lASCE, held at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, in uly 1982. The chapters in the book were originally presented in some form at the Provo conference, though most have been considerably revised since that time. This is the second book sponsored by the lASCE; the first, Cooperation in Education (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 1980), edited by Shlomo Sharan, Paul Hare, Clark Webb, and Rachel...
This book was written and edited as a project of the International Asso ciation for the Study of Cooperation in Education (lASCE). It grew di rectly o...