Numbers by the Book is a step by step guide to the financial side of planning, opening and operating a successful museum retail operation. This 96 page gem is lavishly illustrated with tables and charts to guide you through the process of creating budgets, choosing a POS system, purchasing, and measuring success. Includes 14 worksheets and forms to launch your museum store towards profit
Numbers by the Book is a step by step guide to the financial side of planning, opening and operating a successful museum retail operation. This 96 pag...
The New Store Workbook gets down to the nitty gritty of planning to open a new museum retail store, from calculating the sales dollars needed per square foot, to estimating dollars spent by visitors, all the way to moving the whole operation onto the internet. The twelve chapters that make up this journey are peppered with charts, tables, and real-world examples, including inventory projections, purchase orders, job announcements, and press releases. It's your personal assistant, helping you embark on a successful adventure straight through opening day.
The New Store Workbook gets down to the nitty gritty of planning to open a new museum retail store, from calculating the sales dollars needed per squa...
Museum Store: The Manager's Guide is a practical guide for any store manager who needs guidance about visual merchandising, measuring performance, managing volunteers and much more. This eight-chapter volume includes a wealth of advice on best practices compiled by the national professional organization of museum stores. It includes a myriad of supportive worksheets to help the novice manager. It provides guidance from experienced store managers to assist the novice in evaluating a store's performance. The 4th edition includes updated information on social media and mobile shopping. A new...
Museum Store: The Manager's Guide is a practical guide for any store manager who needs guidance about visual merchandising, measuring performance, man...
The New Store Workbook gets down to the nitty gritty of planning to open a new museum store, from calculating the sales dollars needed per square foot, to estimating dollars spent by visitors, all the way to moving the whole operation onto the right e-commerce platform. The thirteen chapters that make up this journey are peppered with charts, tables, and real-world examples, including inventory projections, purchase orders, job announcements, and press releases. The new edition expands the discussion on social media, mobile shopping and new platforms for e-commerce and includes a complete...
The New Store Workbook gets down to the nitty gritty of planning to open a new museum store, from calculating the sales dollars needed per square foot...
The 2014 MSA Retail Industry Report provides benchmarks, gives insight, and enables you to make smart business decisions to maximize sales in your museum store. The report includes over 200 tables, including comparisons by geography, size, gross sales, and museum type with which to compare your own store. Tips concerning best practices in stocking, merchandising, and staffing, based on hard survey data, are provided. Information on web sales, catalogues, wholesaling, and special events are also included.
The 2014 MSA Retail Industry Report provides benchmarks, gives insight, and enables you to make smart business decisions to maximize sales in your mus...