Thistext, as the tide states, is acompilationofpapersdevoted to the studyofath erosclerosis, hypertensionanddiabetes.Thesethree distinctdisease entities, although not entirely unrelated, are three ofthe most important disease conditions in the world today.As such, this volumeofresearch papers isofobvious medical impor tance.Thejustificationofthe energy, time and financial resources directed towards the studyofeachofthese three diseases requiressome discussion. The majority of papers amongst the three diseases that are discussed in this volume are dedicated to the studyofatherosclerosis.This...
Thistext, as the tide states, is acompilationofpapersdevoted to the studyofath erosclerosis, hypertensionanddiabetes.Thesethree distinctdisease entiti...
The papers ofthis Special Issue of Molecular and Cellular Nutraceuticals are also known as 'health foods' but they also Biochemistry are invited, peer-reviewed submissions from include any product derived from animal or plant sources speakers who attended the 2nd World Conference of the which ultimately can provide a medical benefit. F our symposia International Society for MolecuIar Nutrition & Therapy. This on various aspects concerning nutraceutical products and the Conference was held fromAugust 2--4th, 1997 in Winnipeg, marketing ofthese compounds was addressed. It is hoped that Canada....
The papers ofthis Special Issue of Molecular and Cellular Nutraceuticals are also known as 'health foods' but they also Biochemistry are invited, peer...
This special issue of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry our their mentor. The ex-students and trainees came from contains original research articles and review papers which all over Canada, the United States, Japan, Slovakia, Ger were invitedfrom the participants ofa recent meeting organ many, the Czech Republic, Estoniaand the Netherlands. The izedto honourthe 60th birthdayofNaranjan S. Dhalla, Ph.D., meeting wasjudged to be an overwhelming success in terms M.D. (Hon.). The meeting, organized by Drs. Morris Karma ofthe scientific content as well as collaborative interactions zyn (London),...
This special issue of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry our their mentor. The ex-students and trainees came from contains original research articles...
In the course of the last two decades, it has become increasingly evident that the sarcolemmal, sarcoplasmic reticular and mitochondrial membrane systems play an important role in determining the status of heart funotion in health and disease. These organelles have been shown to be intimately involved in the regulation of cation movements during the contraotion-relaxation cycle. Various proteins imbedded in the phospholipid 2+ + - + + bilayers of these membranes control Ca, Na, Cl, K and H concentrations within the oytoplasm by indirect or direct means. Cationic channels, Na+, + 2+ 2+ 2+ + 2+...
In the course of the last two decades, it has become increasingly evident that the sarcolemmal, sarcoplasmic reticular and mitochondrial membrane syst...
Experimental techniques are the life blood of science. The better the methodology is, the more reliable and accurate the results will be. Ultimately, this will lead to a clearer interpretation of those results and firmer conclusions from any set of experiments. Experimental methodology in the area of cardiovascular biochemistry and molecular biology has advanced considerably in the last decade. Because of these factors, it was thought that a focused issue of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry dedicated to the novel, latest technological advances in the field was warranted. We must...
Experimental techniques are the life blood of science. The better the methodology is, the more reliable and accurate the results will be. Ultimately, ...
The probability for exposure to damaging radiation, toxic chemicals in the environment and adverse biological agents has increased exponentially today. The more frequent and faster travel that we experience today also escalates the risk of contraction and transmission of potentially deadly infections. This has created a very real and escalating risk for injuries and deaths. This is accentuated in the military and medical staff that is more frequently exposed to radiological, chemical, and biological agents in their normal working environment. Understanding the mechanisms whereby these...
The probability for exposure to damaging radiation, toxic chemicals in the environment and adverse biological agents has increased exponentially to...
Experimental techniques are the life blood of science. The better the methodology is, the more reliable and accurate the results will be. Ultimately, this will lead to a clearer interpretation of those results and firmer conclusions from any set of experiments. Experimental methodology in the area of cardiovascular biochemistry and molecular biology has advanced considerably in the last decade. Because of these factors, it was thought that a focused issue of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry dedicated to the novel, latest technological advances in the field was warranted. We must...
Experimental techniques are the life blood of science. The better the methodology is, the more reliable and accurate the results will be. Ultimately, ...
Thistext, as the tide states, is acompilationofpapersdevoted to the studyofath- erosclerosis, hypertensionanddiabetes.Thesethree distinctdisease entities, although not entirely unrelated, are three ofthe most important disease conditions in the world today.As such, this volumeofresearch papers isofobvious medical impor- tance.Thejustificationofthe energy, time and financial resources directed towards the studyofeachofthese three diseases requiressome discussion. The majority of papers amongst the three diseases that are discussed in this volume are dedicated to the studyofatherosclerosis.This...
Thistext, as the tide states, is acompilationofpapersdevoted to the studyofath- erosclerosis, hypertensionanddiabetes.Thesethree distinctdisease entit...
Diabetes and cardiovascular disease together account for the largest portion of health care spending compared to all other diseases in Western society. This work seeks to provide an understanding of the causes of diabetes and its cardiovascular complications. As this understanding becomes more widely appreciated, it will serve as a foundation for evidence-based care and wider acceptance of sound science. The International Conference on Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease, held in Winnipeg, in June 1999, was organized to bring together a multi-disciplinary group of researchers dedicated to...
Diabetes and cardiovascular disease together account for the largest portion of health care spending compared to all other diseases in Western society...
This special issue of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry our their mentor. The ex-students and trainees came from contains original research articles and review papers which all over Canada, the United States, Japan, Slovakia, Ger- were invitedfrom the participants ofa recent meeting organ- many, the Czech Republic, Estoniaand the Netherlands. The izedto honourthe 60th birthdayofNaranjan S. Dhalla, Ph.D., meeting wasjudged to be an overwhelming success in terms M.D. (Hon.). The meeting, organized by Drs. Morris Karma- ofthe scientific content as well as collaborative interactions zyn...
This special issue of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry our their mentor. The ex-students and trainees came from contains original research articles...