The first Joint Meeting of the Austrian and Swiss Operations Research Societies was held at the University of Technology in Vienna, Austria, from 22-24 September 1980. A selection of the papers then presented are published in this volume. The papers included provide a picture of Operations Research as a discipline comprehending various methods and models. The volume is divided into two parts. The first part contains papers on mathematical programming and optimal control theory. Moreover, two papers on decision and game theory are included as well as two on biomathematical to~ics. Being more...
The first Joint Meeting of the Austrian and Swiss Operations Research Societies was held at the University of Technology in Vienna, Austria, from 22-2...
Dynamic optimization is rocket science and more. This volume teaches how to harness the modern theory of dynamic optimization to solve practical problems, not only from space flight but also in emerging social applications such as the control of drugs, corruption, and terror. These innovative domains are usefully thought about in terms of populations, incentives, and interventions, concepts which map well into the framework of optimal dynamic control. This volume is designed to be a lively introduction to the mathematics and a bridge to these hot topics in the economics of crime for...
Dynamic optimization is rocket science and more. This volume teaches how to harness the modern theory of dynamic optimization to solve practical pr...
Franz Ferschl is seventy. According to his birth certificate it is true, but it is unbelievable. Two of the three editors remembers very well the Golden Age of Operations Research at Bonn when Franz Ferschl worked together with Wilhelm Krelle, Martin Beckmann and Horst Albach. The importance of this fruitful cooperation is reflected by the fact that half of the contributors to this book were strongly influenced by Franz Ferschl and his colleagues at the University of Bonn. Clearly, Franz Ferschl left his traces at all the other places of his professional activities, in Vienna and Munich. This...
Franz Ferschl is seventy. According to his birth certificate it is true, but it is unbelievable. Two of the three editors remembers very well the Gold...
Dynamic optimization is rocket science and more. This volume teaches how to harness the modern theory of dynamic optimization to solve practical problems, not only from space flight but also in emerging social applications such as the control of drugs, corruption, and terror. These innovative domains are usefully thought about in terms of populations, incentives, and interventions, concepts which map well into the framework of optimal dynamic control. This volume is designed to be a lively introduction to the mathematics and a bridge to these hot topics in the economics of crime for...
Dynamic optimization is rocket science and more. This volume teaches how to harness the modern theory of dynamic optimization to solve practical pr...
Yom 28. - 31. August 1990 fand die 19. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Operations Research e. V. an der Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien statt. Erstmals wurde diese Jahrestagung zusammen mit den anderen deutschsprachigen OR-Gesellschaften, der Gesell schaft fur Mathematik, Okonomie und Operations Research (GMOOR), der Osterreichi schen Gesellschaft fur Operations Research (OGOR) und der Schweizerischen Vereinigung fur Operations Research (SVOR) abgehalten. Diese internationale Tagung stand unter dem Titel Operations Research 1990. Fast 1000 Teilnehmer aus 38 Lander machten die Tagung...
Yom 28. - 31. August 1990 fand die 19. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Operations Research e. V. an der Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien statt....
Die Operations Research Proceedings 1989 dokumentieren die Vortrage, die auf der 18. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Operations Research in der Zeit vom 13. bis 15. September 1989 gehalten worden sind. In dem Band sind die Fassungen von 5 Plenar- und 105 Fachvortragen enthalten, von denen 60 in Lang-, der Rest in Kurzfassungen aufgenommen sind. Im einzelnen sind Beitrage zu folgenden Teilgebieten zusammengestellt: - Operations Research in der Industrie - Operations Research in Banken und Versicherungen - Produktion - Marketing - Logistik und Verkehr - Statistik,...
Die Operations Research Proceedings 1989 dokumentieren die Vortrage, die auf der 18. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Operations Res...
Die Bevolkerungsmathematik hat im deutschsprachigen Raum in den letzten Jahrzehnten - etwa im Gegensatz zur Entwicklung in Frankreich und in den USA - keinen rechten AnschluB an eine nicht unbedeutende Tradition finden konnen. Die vorliegende Arbeit mochte Probleme der demographischen Analyse erneut aufgreifen, diesmal jedoch unter Heran ziehung von Begriffsbildungen aus der Theorie stochastischer Prozesse. Die im folgenden vorgeschlagene stochastische Modellierung demogra phischer Phanomene solI einerseits dem Bevolkerungsstatistiker den Zu gang zu den oft kniffligen Fragen der formal en...
Die Bevolkerungsmathematik hat im deutschsprachigen Raum in den letzten Jahrzehnten - etwa im Gegensatz zur Entwicklung in Frankreich und in den USA -...