Talking about information systems development failures and how to avoid them, this book considers what goes wrong with information systems development projects and what actions may be taken to avoid potential difficulties. It helps to ensure that IS project managers are successful in helping to deliver application systems.
Talking about information systems development failures and how to avoid them, this book considers what goes wrong with information systems development...
A guide to preparing a business case for information technology investment. It explores how to put a business plan together, covers corporate critical success factors, shows how to create a list of specific and detailed outcomes or benefits, and highlights the risks associated with projects.
A guide to preparing a business case for information technology investment. It explores how to put a business plan together, covers corporate critical...
Doing Research in Business and Management provides a comprehensive overview of management research and research methodology. Taking the reader through all the major stages of the research process, this wide-ranging text introduces the key methods that are available to students as researchers in management and business.
Doing Research in Business and Management provides a comprehensive overview of management research and research methodology. Taking the reader through...
Doing Research in Business and Management provides a comprehensive overview of management research and research methodology. Taking the reader through all the major stages of the research process, this wide-ranging text introduces the key methods that are available to students as researchers in management and business.
Doing Research in Business and Management provides a comprehensive overview of management research and research methodology. Taking the reader through...
This book guides accountants through the processes they need to understand to develop and present a high-risk business proposal with success.
This compact guide outlines every issue surrounding a business case, from profit benefits and beyond. Will the proposal change the way the business operates, and how can these changes be predicted? What risks are involved, how can they be understood, and how can they be prevented? Who will manage the investment benefit delivery? How can technology be best used to make the venture work? All are explained succinctly and illustrated with case studies,...
This book guides accountants through the processes they need to understand to develop and present a high-risk business proposal with success.
Although the case study research method is increasingly important and used by many researchers it is still not well understood. Case Study Research in the Quick Guides Series explains the main issues which have to be considered before case study research is undertaken as well as providing check lists as to how to go about using this research approach. Case study research is not an easy option and this book points out where the challenges are and what needs to be done to become a competent case study researcher. Issues which are given particular attention include different types of case study,...
Although the case study research method is increasingly important and used by many researchers it is still not well understood. Case Study Research in...
Grounded Theory is probably the most successful method proposed to social scientists in the 20th century, and this can only be partly attributed to the fact that it is democratised theory development making this available to all competent researchers. The ideas elucidated by Grounded Theory are far too important to be left up to Grounded Theorists alone or put another way the real power of the Glaser and Strauss contribution was not that it offered a method for research but that it opened the 'black box' of qualitative research for all to see what lies beneath. The detail of the research...
Grounded Theory is probably the most successful method proposed to social scientists in the 20th century, and this can only be partly attributed to th...
The handling of numbers in arithmetic and the progression into the more abstract field of mathematics and statistics is generally approached poorly in our education system. The inadequacy is not necessarily in the teaching techniques or the books and other text used but rather in the attitude towards these subjects. These subjects are seen as something which has to be taught because it is part of a preordained curriculum rather than a set of tools which are available to help people live a fuller, more productive and more interesting life. It is so enlightening when one hears people say, "I...
The handling of numbers in arithmetic and the progression into the more abstract field of mathematics and statistics is generally approached poorly in...
Eight examples of the application of knowledge management and intellectual capital principles are described in the case histories presented in this book. These case histories have been chosen by a panel of international experts from 70 case histories submitted to a competition for the Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards conducted by Academic Conferences and Publishing International. The authors of these eight examples have been short listed and invited to present their case history at the 16th annual European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM) held at the...
Eight examples of the application of knowledge management and intellectual capital principles are described in the case histories presented in this bo...