This book is based on a selection of papers presented at the Conference in Malmu, Sweden, which was organized by the Swedish Network for European Legal Studies in cooperation with the Faculty of Law of the University of Lund. The purpose of the conference was to analyze general principles and their scope in the EU legal order with special emphasis on their role in the creation of a jus commune europaeum. The impact of the general principles of Community Law at the national level was analyzed and also how these principles have been transformed into the national legal systems. Also...
This book is based on a selection of papers presented at the Conference in Malmu, Sweden, which was organized by the Swedish Network for European Lega...
The essays gathered in this collection examine the involvement of self-governing sub-national and regional actors in the law and policy making of the European Union. State power is today exercised in the context of the complex institutional environment of the EU. But what of regions and sub-national actors? Are their interests adequately represented? Can they advance their interests or can they, at least, protect them from unwitting or calculated damage? This book surveys the broad questions of law and political science and investigates the contribution of the EU's Committee of the Regions...
The essays gathered in this collection examine the involvement of self-governing sub-national and regional actors in the law and policy making of the ...
The growing use of private labels in recent years has affected significantly the landscape of retail competition, with major retailers no longer being confined to their traditional role as purchasers and distributors of branded goods. By selling their own-label products within their outlets they are competing with their upstream brand suppliers for sales and shelf space. This unique relationship, and the continued strengthening of private labels, raises important questions as to their pro-competitive effects and possible negative effects. This book provides an in-depth review of the range...
The growing use of private labels in recent years has affected significantly the landscape of retail competition, with major retailers no longer being...
The entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon in 2009 caused the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights to be granted binding effect. This raised a host of intriguing questions: ** Would this transform the EU's commitment to fundamental rights? ** Should it transform that commitment? ** How, if at all, can competing rights and principles be balanced? (The interaction of the social and the economic spheres offers a particular challenge). ** How deeply does the EU conception of fundamental rights reach into and bind national law and practice? ** How deeply does it affect private parties? ** How much...
The entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon in 2009 caused the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights to be granted binding effect. This raised a host of...
The law on marketing and advertising has undergone profound changes based on the EU directives on unfair commercial practices and misleading and comparative advertising. The legislation partially requires full harmonization and it contains a comprehensive blacklist of prohibited practices. However, in other areas only minimum harmonization is required. A comprehensive case law from the EUCJ has emerged, but still many issues remain open, unclear, and debated. The EU Commission has an active interest in the field and has published numerous reports on the question. In addition, it has developed...
The law on marketing and advertising has undergone profound changes based on the EU directives on unfair commercial practices and misleading and compa...