The development of bioethics has presented us with an ever increasing number of very different discussions over the last four decades. Bioethicists were initially c- cerned about questions of reproduction, end of life, organ transplantation, and a broad range of moral problems raised by the forward march of the life sciences. Meanwhile these sciences grew to be a major in?uence in nearly all areas of our lives. Biotechnology has brought about considerable changes in agriculture, plant breeding, pharmacy, veterinary medicine and medicine in general. These scienti?c and technological changes in...
The development of bioethics has presented us with an ever increasing number of very different discussions over the last four decades. Bioethicists we...
Concilium has long been a household-name for cutting-edge critical and constructive theological thinking. Past contributors include leading Catholic scholars such as Hans Kung, Gregory Baum and Edward Schillebeeckx, and the editors of the review belong to the international "who's who" in the world of contemporary theology. "
Concilium has long been a household-name for cutting-edge critical and constructive theological thinking. Past contributors include leading Catholi...
Concilium has long been a household-name for cutting-edge critical and constructive theological thinking. Past contributors include leading Catholic scholars such as Hans Kung, Gregory Baum and Edward Schillebeeckx, and the editors of the review belong to the international "who's who" in the world of contemporary theology. "
Concilium has long been a household-name for cutting-edge critical and constructive theological thinking. Past contributors include leading Catholi...
CHRISTOPH REHMANN-SUTTER, MARCUS DUWELL, DIETMAR MIETH When we placed "finitude," "limits of human existence" as a motto over a round of discussion on biomedicine and bioethics (which led to this collection of essays) we did not know how far this would lead us into methodological quandaries. However, we felt intuitively that an interdisciplinary approach including social and cultural sciences would have an advantage over a solely disciplinary (philosophical or theological) analysis. Bioethics, if it is to have adequate discriminatory power, should include sensitivity to the cultural contexts...
CHRISTOPH REHMANN-SUTTER, MARCUS DUWELL, DIETMAR MIETH When we placed "finitude," "limits of human existence" as a motto over a round of discussion on...
Die Begegnung Jesu mit Maria und Martha hat in der christlichen Lebensführung eine wichtige Rolle gespielt. Zeichnet man dieses Modell von Aktion und Kontemplation nach, stößt man auf Meister Eckharts berühmte Predigt und ihre Wirkung über Johannes Tauler und Martin Luther zur Entwicklung eines weltlichen Berufsethos.
Die Begegnung Jesu mit Maria und Martha hat in der christlichen Lebensführung eine wichtige Rolle gespielt. Zeichnet man dieses Modell von Aktion und...