Much has happened in the brewing industry since the last edition of this book was published in 1996. In particular, there has been substantial con solidation of larger brewing companies as major multinational concerns, and at the other end of the spectrum the microbrewing scene in various parts of the world has become established as a sustainable enterprise. For those involved in the scientific and technical aspects of fermented bever age production the changes have been no less daunting. The complete genome sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been determined and studies are underway in...
Much has happened in the brewing industry since the last edition of this book was published in 1996. In particular, there has been substantial con sol...
This second edition of Modern Bacterial Taxonomy has been completely revised and expanded to include detailed coverage of molecular systematics including relevant aspects of nucleic acid sequences, the construction of phylogenetic trees, typing of bacteria by restriction fragment length polymorphisms, DNA hybridization probes and the use of the polymerase chain reaction in bacterial systematics.
This second edition of Modern Bacterial Taxonomy has been completely revised and expanded to include detailed coverage of molecular systematics includ...
Modern approaches to microbial classification and identification, particularly those based on nucleic acid analysis, have raised the awareness and interest of microbiologists in systematics during the past decade. The extended scope of the subject has revolutionized microbial ecology with the demonstration of uncultivable microorganisms as a major component of the biosphere and evolution, with the ribosomal RNA phylogenetic tree as the basis of current classifications. However, advances in microbial systematics have also had enormous impact on other, diverse aspects of microbiology such as...
Modern approaches to microbial classification and identification, particularly those based on nucleic acid analysis, have raised the awareness and int...