Confronted with the continuing cost expansion in the health care sector, policy makers face a dilemma: limiting moral hazard in medical care requires that consumers participate in the cost, yet copayment is strongly resisted by today's socially insured. Thus, the experiences of three private German health insurers will be of interest to physicians, social scientists, and policy makers. Insurer A writes conventional plans with deductibles and coinsurance; B pays back three-monthly premiums as a fixed rebate for no claims; while C runs an experience-rated bonus system starting with a rebate of...
Confronted with the continuing cost expansion in the health care sector, policy makers face a dilemma: limiting moral hazard in medical care requires ...
Health, The Medical Profession, and Regulation presents new evidence concerning health and the environment, inequality of health in many countries, and the compatibility of different quality of life measurements, along with new solutions to problems of health policy. The book is grouped into three sections. Section I, comprising six papers, looks into the determinants of people's health. Section II consists of three papers and deals with the supply side of the market for health care services. Finally, Section III contains three contributions devoted to health regulation. The intended...
Health, The Medical Profession, and Regulation presents new evidence concerning health and the environment, inequality of health in many coun...
Das Buch macht den Leser mit den zentralen Fragestellungen und dem analytischen Werkzeug der Versicherungsokonomie vertraut. Es fuhrt Beitrage zur Nachfrage nach Versicherung, zum Angebot an Versicherung und der Versicherungsregulierung sowie zur Sozialversicherung in einer vereinheitlichten Darstellung zusammen, die bisher nur verstreut in Zeitschriften und Sammelbanden verfugbar waren. Es werden empirisch uberprufbare Voraussagen der Theorie abgleitet und den Ergebnissen internationaler empirischer Forschung gegenubergestellt. Ausformulierte Folgerungen fassen den Stoff zusammen und...
Das Buch macht den Leser mit den zentralen Fragestellungen und dem analytischen Werkzeug der Versicherungsokonomie vertraut. Es fuhrt Beitrage zur Nac...
Financial protection against the cost of illness and inclusion of vulnerable groups will require better mobilization and use of private means. Private voluntary health insurance already plays an important role in mobilizing additional resources to the health sector and protecting against the catastrophic cost of illness in some countries. This review explores the context under which private voluntary health insurance could contribute to an improvement in the sustainability of the health sector and financial protection in other countries."
Financial protection against the cost of illness and inclusion of vulnerable groups will require better mobilization and use of private means. Private...
Health care arguably is the single most regulated industry in industrial countries, and possibly in newly industrialized and developing countries as well. But what exactly is being regulated, what are the instruments used, and what are the effects and side-effects of such regulation? Regulation of Health: Case Studies of Sweden and Switzerland seeks to resolve problems in answering these key questions regarding the health care sector in two countries - Sweden and Switzerland. The volume contains a series of studies that compare the regulation of health and health care in these...
Health care arguably is the single most regulated industry in industrial countries, and possibly in newly industrialized and developing countries as w...
This volume reflects both the main issues confronting health economics and the state of the art in health economics a decade before the end of the twentieth century. It contains a selection from almost 150 papers presented at the Second World Congress on Health Economics, held at the University of ZUrich, Switzerland, 10-14 September 1990. This is ten years after the last Congress (held in Leiden, The Netherlands) and more than 17 years after the Tokyo meeting organized by the International Economic Associ ation (which might be called the First World Congress were it not for its small size...
This volume reflects both the main issues confronting health economics and the state of the art in health economics a decade before the end of the twe...
Fur die nachhaltige Losung der Energieversorgungsproblematik greifen aus okonomischer Sicht alle Antworten zu kurz, die nicht das interessengeleitete Handeln der wesentlichen Akteure berucksichtigen. Deshalb behandelt das Buch die nachfrage- und angebotsseitigen Gesetzmassigkeiten der verschiedenen Energiemarkte, und zwar unter Ruckgriff auf industrie- und institutionenokonomische Theoriebausteine. Wo immer moglich werden die theoretisch hergeleiteten Voraussagen durch die Konfrontation mit statistischer Evidenz auf ihre Praxisrelevanz gepruft.
Auch als gebundene Ausgabe lieferbar: ISBN...
Fur die nachhaltige Losung der Energieversorgungsproblematik greifen aus okonomischer Sicht alle Antworten zu kurz, die nicht das interessengeleite...
Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt in kompakter Form einen Uberblick uber die Theorie des Internationalen Handels. Die mikrookonomische Analyse der internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen wird oft als eine Anwendung der Allgemeinen Gleichgewichtstheorie dargestellt und wirkt entsprechend trocken und abstrakt. Demgegenuber wird hier die Theorie als Werkzeug zur Erklarung und Voraussage von beobachtbaren Phanomenen verstanden. Deshalb schliesst jedes Kapital mit einer Diskussion von empirischen Uberprufungen und ihren Ergebnissen ab. Das Buch enthalt zu jedem Kapital Ubungsaufgaben und geht insbesondere...
Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt in kompakter Form einen Uberblick uber die Theorie des Internationalen Handels. Die mikrookonomische Analyse der internatio...
Die Sicherung der Energieversorgung gehort zu den zentralen Herausforderungen moderner Zivilisationen. Allerdings greifen solche Antworten zu kurz, die das interessengeleitete Handeln der wesentlichen Akteure ausser Acht lassen. Deshalb behandelt das Buch die Gesetzmassigkeiten der Energiemarkte unter Ruckgriff auf industrie- und institutionenokonomische Theorien. Wo immer moglich werden die theoretisch hergeleiteten Voraussagen anhand statistischer Evidenz gepruft. Auch die technisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Bedingungen werden stets berucksichtigt."
Die Sicherung der Energieversorgung gehort zu den zentralen Herausforderungen moderner Zivilisationen. Allerdings greifen solche Antworten zu kurz, di...
by RolfM. Jeker, Federal Office for Foreign Economic Affairs Services have only quite recently become an important issue in foreign economic policy and particularly in international trade negotiations. Trade policy was traditionally perceived to deal almost exclusively with exports and imports of goods. The increasing importance of services both nationally and internationally is, mainly, due to the gains in agricultural and industrial productiv ity (freeing resources for services activities), and the progress in communication technology, facilitating trade in invisibles. Notable examples of...
by RolfM. Jeker, Federal Office for Foreign Economic Affairs Services have only quite recently become an important issue in foreign economic policy an...