Integrationis the sixth and last of the Books that form the core of the Bourbaki series; it draws abundantly on the preceding five Books, especially General Topology and Topological Vector Spaces, making it a culmination of the core six. The power of the tool thus fashioned is strikingly displayed in Chapter II of the author's Theories Spectrales, an exposition, in a mere 38 pages, of abstract harmonic analysis and the structure of locally compact abelian groups.
The present volume comprises Chapters 1-6 in English translation (a...
Integrationis the sixth and last of the Books that form the core of the Bourbaki series; it draws abundantly on the prec...
This book is an English translation of the last French edition of Bourbaki s Fonctions d'une Variable Reelle.
The first chapter is devoted to derivatives, Taylor expansions, the finite increments theorem, convex functions. In the second chapter, primitives and integrals (on arbitrary intervals) are studied, as well as their dependence with respect to parameters. Classical functions (exponential, logarithmic, circular and inverse circular) are investigated in the third chapter. The fourth chapter gives a thorough treatment of differential equations (existence and unicity...
This book is an English translation of the last French edition of Bourbaki s Fonctions d'une Variable Reelle.
Ce livre des Elements de mathematique est consacre a la Topologie algebrique. Les quatre premiers chapitres presentent la theorie des revetements d'un espace topologique et du groupe de Poincare. On construit le revetement universel d'un espace connexe pointe delacable et on etablit l'equivalence de categories entre revetements de cet espace et actions du groupe de Poincare.
On demontre une version generale du theoreme de van Kampen exprimant le groupoide de Poincare d'un espace topologique comme un coegalisateur de diagrammes de groupoides. Dans de nombreuses situations...
Ce livre des Elements de mathematique est consacre a la Topologie algebrique. Les quatre premiers chapitres presentent la theorie des revetements d...
Les Éléments de mathématique de Nicolas Bourbaki ont pour objet une présentation rigoureuse, systématique et sans prérequis des mathématiques depuis leurs fondements.Ce second volume, inédit, du Livre consacré aux Théories spectrales a pour thème les propriétés spectrales des applications linéaires.Le chapitre 3 étudie les applications linéaires compactes entre espaces vectoriels topologiques et la théorie de la perturbation par addition d'une application linéaire compacte, en particulier la théorie de Fredholm. Il se poursuit par la description du spectre d'un...
Les Éléments de mathématique de Nicolas Bourbaki ont pour objet une présentation rigoureuse, systématique et sans prérequis des mathématiques d...
This book is an English translation of an entirely revised version of the 1958 edition of the eighth chapter of the book Algebra, the second Book of the Elements of Mathematics.It is devoted to the study of certain classes of rings and of modules, in particular to the notions of Noetherian or Artinian modules and rings, as well as that of radical.This chapter studies Morita equivalence of module and algebras, it describes the structure of semisimple rings. Various Grothendieck groups are defined that play a universal role for module invariants.The chapter also presents two particular cases...
This book is an English translation of an entirely revised version of the 1958 edition of the eighth chapter of the book Algebra, the second Book of t...