Leveraging the power of technology to support teaching and learning is certainly not new. But with more low-cost, easy-to-use, easily accessible devices and systems than ever before, we are at a critical inflection point where we must decide how technology powers and aids learning in the classroom. But is new technology the cure-all all? Some studies have shown students retain information better in traditional print formats. There's no question about the potential for new technologies to improve learning, but it's all in how it's approached, adapted, and used toward the service of achieving...
Leveraging the power of technology to support teaching and learning is certainly not new. But with more low-cost, easy-to-use, easily accessible devic...
There are two distinct professional communities that share an interest in using innovative approaches and emerging technologies to design and implement effective support for learning. This edited collection addresses the growing divide between the learning sciences community and the instructional design and technology community, bringing leading scholars from both fields together in one volume in an attempt to find productive middle ground. Chapters discuss the implications of not bridging this divide, propose possible resolutions, and go on to lay a foundation for continued discourse in...
There are two distinct professional communities that share an interest in using innovative approaches and emerging technologies to design and imple...