Continuing the (neo-)classical tradition of von Thunen, Launhardt, Weber, Palander, and Losch this book offers a fresh approach to the location of industries and other economic activities, of market areas, spatial price distribution, locational specialization, urban and transportation systems, and spatial interaction in general. It uses elementary economic reasoning supported by simple mathematical models, some classical, some new. The mathematical methods are presented in numbered Mathematical Notes. The author has been active in this field since 1950.
Continuing the (neo-)classical tradition of von Thunen, Launhardt, Weber, Palander, and Losch this book offers a fresh approach to the location of ind...
Continuing the (neo-)classical tradition of von Thunen, Launhardt, Weber, Palander, and Losch this book offers a fresh approach to the location of industries and other economic activities, of market areas, spatial price distribution, locational specialization, urban and transportation systems, and spatial interaction in general. It uses elementary economic reasoning supported by simple mathematical models, some classical, some new. The mathematical methods are presented in numbered Mathematical Notes. The author has been active in this field since 1950."
Continuing the (neo-)classical tradition of von Thunen, Launhardt, Weber, Palander, and Losch this book offers a fresh approach to the location of ind...
In dem vorliegenden Buch wird dargestellt, wie Lagerhaltung nach den heutigen Erkenntnissen mit Hilfe von Operations Research rational gestaltet werden kann. Es werden neben deterministischen Lagerhaltungsmodellen (Produktionslager) auch Modelle mit stochastischer Nachfrage (Handelslager) bei kontinuierlicher und periodischer Inspektion behandelt. Das von den beiden praxiserfahrenen Verfassern geschriebene Lehrbuch befasst sich neben dem operationalen Aspekt der Losgrossenoptimierung auch mit Fragestellungen auf hoherer Managementebene (Lager in Lizenz, Wert des Bestandes, Budget- oder...
In dem vorliegenden Buch wird dargestellt, wie Lagerhaltung nach den heutigen Erkenntnissen mit Hilfe von Operations Research rational gestaltet werde...
Im ersten Kapitel haben wir den Funktionsbegriff und die wichtigen Begriffe des Grenzwertes und der Stetigkeit einer Funk tion eingefuhrt. Will man die Anwendungsmoglichkeiten des Funk tionsbegriffs erweitern und seine Aussagekraft vertiefen, so mussen wir das Verhalten der Funktionen naher untersuchen. Wir mussen vor allem die Art und Weise, wie sich der Funktionswert f(x) andert, wenn x einen bestimmten Bereich durchlauft, naher be trachten. Besondere Bedeutung kommt der durchschnittlichen An derung einer Funktion in einem bestimmten Intervall zu. Unter der durchschnittlichen Anderung der...
Im ersten Kapitel haben wir den Funktionsbegriff und die wichtigen Begriffe des Grenzwertes und der Stetigkeit einer Funk tion eingefuhrt. Will man di...
The common theme in the essays of this book is the emergence and sur vival of spatial structures. How are economic structures created in an otherwise homogeneous environment? The answer must be sought through an analysis of economic forces that operate in the two dimensional contin uum of space. Ultimately these forces emanate from the fundamental fact that spatial concentration is needed to reap increasing returns to scale. i. e. to gather the fruits of the division of labour. Adam Smith's dictum: "The division of labour is limited by the size of the market" poses a fundamental question to...
The common theme in the essays of this book is the emergence and sur vival of spatial structures. How are economic structures created in an otherwise ...
Ake E.Andersson has always been intellectually on the move. He has selected his own track through the academic system and has formed a school of thought which has brought him international recognition. The cornerstones of his scientific interest are welfare analysis, regional economic dynamics and human capital theory. For his excellent achievements on dynamic analysis in the field of regional economics and regional planning he received the Japanese Honda Prize in 1995. This book provides a sample of the broad ranging research of Ake E.Andersson. Here some of his friends and colleagues have...
Ake E.Andersson has always been intellectually on the move. He has selected his own track through the academic system and has formed a school of thoug...
If production exhausts some resources and these are necessary in future production even though some substitution of producible resources is pos sible, how should the available stocks of exhaustible resources be allocated to present and future production? The objective considered is to maximize the present value of the utility of current and future consumption. When production functions are Cobb-Douglas and the utility functions are logarithmic, the optimum decision rule has the simple form: use up the fraction l-e of the remaining amount of every exhaustible resource in every period. Here fl...
If production exhausts some resources and these are necessary in future production even though some substitution of producible resources is pos sible,...