In recent period we have experienced a further rapid and explosive development of scientific knowledge concerning bacterial resistance to antibiotics. The International Con gress of Chemotherapy in London in 1975 dealed with bacterial resistance in many ses sions and lectures. We are aware of the fact that also the World Health Organisation in Brussels in 1975 discussed the problem as an integral part of long-term programme in environmental pollution control. A special significance should be ascribed to the discussions concerning the safety of DNA research which ran in several countries as...
In recent period we have experienced a further rapid and explosive development of scientific knowledge concerning bacterial resistance to antibiotics....
It was an extraordinary pleasure for me, as the secretary general, to organise, with my collaborators, this Second International Symposium on Antibiotic Resistance in the Castle of Smolenice in Czechoslovakia. We all appreciated many offers all participants must have spent to attend this Symposium and we were glad to do our best to prepare this meeting in a suitable and convenient way. We gathered in Smolenice Castle after the significant International Congress on Che motherapy in September 1973 in Athens. We had the chance of getting acquainted, on that world-wide forum, with the latest...
It was an extraordinary pleasure for me, as the secretary general, to organise, with my collaborators, this Second International Symposium on Antibiot...