This volume covers friction-induced vibration, the influence of actuator-bearing grease composition, wear measurements for proximity recording heads, characteristics of a suspension assembly, design and analysis of the HDD Servo System. reluctance torque reduction, etc. It is organized into three parts: Mechanics and Tribology for Data Storage Systems; Dynamics and Controls for Data Storage Systems; and Electric Motors for Data Storage Systems.
This volume covers friction-induced vibration, the influence of actuator-bearing grease composition, wear measurements for proximity recording heads, ...
Volume 9 of "Advances in Information Storage Systems" contains selected papers regarding not only information storage but also information equipment in general and related technologies. The papers were presented at the International Conference on Micromechatronics for Information and Precision Equipment (MIPE '97). This conference was held in Tokyo, Japan, from 20 to 23 July 1997, as one of the memorial events of the Centennial Grand Congress of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Information and precision equipment is fast-changing high technology, and is necessary for the development...
Volume 9 of "Advances in Information Storage Systems" contains selected papers regarding not only information storage but also information equipment i...
Originally published as seperate volumes this series is now available as a full set: a savings of over 40%.
Examining the physical and technical foundation for recent progress with this technique, Applied Scanning Probe Methods offers a timely and comprehensive overview of SPM applications, now that industrial applications span topographic and dynamical surface studies of thin-film semiconductors, polymers, paper, ceramics, and magnetic and biological materials. First it lays the theoretical background of static and dynamic force microscopies, including sensor technology and tip...
Originally published as seperate volumes this series is now available as a full set: a savings of over 40%.
Crack initiation and growth are key issues when it comes to the mechanical reliab- ity of microelectronic devices and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Es- cially in organic electronics where exible substrates will play a major role these issues will become of utmost importance. It is therefore necessary to develop me- ods which in situ allow the experimental investigation of surface deformation and fracture processes in thin layers at a micro and nanometer scale. While scanning electron microscopy (SEM) might be used it is also associated with some major experimental drawbacks. First of...
Crack initiation and growth are key issues when it comes to the mechanical reliab- ity of microelectronic devices and microelectromechanical systems (...
The volumes XI, XII and XIII examine the physical and technical foundation for recent progress in applied scanning probe techniques. The first volume came out in January 2004, the second to fourth volumes in early 2006 and the fifth to seventh volumes in late 2006. The field is progressing so fast that there is a need for a set of volumes every 12 to 18 months to capture latest developments. These volumes constitute a timely comprehensive overview of SPM applications.
After introducing scanning probe microscopy, including sensor technology and tip characterization, chapters on use...
The volumes XI, XII and XIII examine the physical and technical foundation for recent progress in applied scanning probe techniques. The first volu...
The word tribology was fIrst reported in a landmark report by P. Jost in 1966 (Lubrication (Tribology)--A Report on the Present Position and Industry's Needs, Department of Education and Science, HMSO, London). Tribology is the science and technology of two interacting surfaces in relative motion and of related subjects and practices. The popular equivalent is friction, wear and lubrication. The economic impact of the better understanding of tribology of two interacting surfaces in relative motion is known to be immense. Losses resulting from ignorance of tribology amount in the United States...
The word tribology was fIrst reported in a landmark report by P. Jost in 1966 (Lubrication (Tribology)--A Report on the Present Position and Industry'...
The word tribology was fIrst reported in a landmark report by P. Jost in 1966 (Lubrication (Tribology)--A Report on the Present Position and Industry's Needs, Department of Education and Science, HMSO, London). Tribology is the science and technology of two interacting surfaces in relative motion and of related subjects and practices. The popular equivalent is friction, wear and lubrication. The economic impact of the better understanding of tribology of two interacting surfaces in relative motion is known to be immense. Losses resulting from ignorance of tribology amount in the United States...
The word tribology was fIrst reported in a landmark report by P. Jost in 1966 (Lubrication (Tribology)--A Report on the Present Position and Industry'...
Essentials from the series "Applied Scanning Probe Methods" are put together in the area of bio and biorelated systems. The contributions spread over all 13 volumes are now combined in this one volume. Thus, the reader will easily find a comprehensive overview of SPM applications for biosystems.
For scientists and professionals in academic and industry dealing with surface analytics of plant science, living cells, nanomedicine, cosmetics and biomimetics.
Essentials from the series "Applied Scanning Probe Methods" are put together in the area of bio and biorelated systems. The contributions spread ov...
This text presents the physical and technical foundation of the state of the art in applied scanning probe techniques. The chapters relate to scanning probe microscopy techniques, characterization of various materials and structures and typical industrial applications.
This text presents the physical and technical foundation of the state of the art in applied scanning probe techniques. The chapters relate to scanning...
Humanhairisananocompositebiological?ber. Maintainingthehealth, feel, shine, color, softness, andoverallaestheticsofthehairishighlydesired. Haircarepr- ucts such as shampoos and conditioners, along with damaging processes such as chemical dyeing and permanent wave treatments, affect the maintenance and groomingprocessandareimportanttostudybecausetheyaltermanyhairprop- ties. Nanoscalecharacterizationofthecellularstructure, mechanicalproperties, and morphological, frictional, andadhesive properties(tribologicalproperties)ofhair...