For a quantitative understanding of the physics of the universe - from the solar system through the milky way to clusters of galaxies all the way to cosmology - these edited lecture notes are perhaps among the most concise and also among the most critical ones: Astrophysics has not yet stood the redundancy test of laboratory physics, hence should be wary of early interpretations. Special chapters are devoted to magnetic and radiation processes, supernovae, disks, black-hole candidacy, bipolar flows, cosmic rays, gamma-ray bursts, image distortions, and special sources. At the same time,...
For a quantitative understanding of the physics of the universe - from the solar system through the milky way to clusters of galaxies all the way t...
This volume is the documentation of the first Course on 'Neutron Stars, Active Galactic Nuclei and Jets', of an Erice School with a wide astro- physical scope. The choice of the subject was made because of an apparent similari- ty - stressed already at earlier meetings - of four classes of astrophy- sical jet sources: Active Galactic Nuclei, Young Stellar Objects, Binary Neutron Stars and Binary White Dwarfs. They share important properties such as their morphology, high variability and large veloci- ty gradients as well as - with some inference - their broad spectrum, hypersonic outflow and...
This volume is the documentation of the first Course on 'Neutron Stars, Active Galactic Nuclei and Jets', of an Erice School with a wide astro- physic...
"Diese eindrucksvolle Sammlung alternativer Vorstellungen der Autoren zu weit verbreiteten Gedankenbildern der Bio-, Geo-, Astro- und Quantenphysik wird jeden Leser begeistern - aber auch intellektuell herausfordern "
Prof. Dr. Klaus Hasselmann
"Das beeindruckende Inhaltsverzeichnis und die Vorworte zu den Kapiteln machen neugierig Die Lektuere dieses Buches, welches zehn Gebiete von Biophysik bis Astrophysik behandelt, wird hoechst anspruchsvoll sein und den Leser faszinieren und mit neuen Erkenntnissen und Ideen belohnen." Prof. Dr....
"Diese eindrucksvolle Sammlung alternativer Vorstellungen der Autoren zu weit verbreiteten Gedankenbildern der Bio-, Geo-, Astro- und Quante...
For a better understanding of supernova explosions the contributors to this volume provide researchers and graduate students in astrophysics with a broad spectrum of alternatives. The confrontation of different theories in one volume should prompt further exploration of the driving piston for the explosions and deeper understanding of the experimental data. Properties of supernova shells are discussed, such as their kinematics, ages, sizes, temperatures, spectra, polarizations, energetics and morphologies. Special attention is given to a few shells of extreme age, viz. G 70.68+1.20, Kepler's...
For a better understanding of supernova explosions the contributors to this volume provide researchers and graduate students in astrophysics with a br...