Observations and physical concepts are interwoven to give basic explanations of phenomena and also show the limitations in these explanations and identify some fundamental questions.
Compared to conventional plasma physics textbooks this book focuses on the concepts relevant in the large-scale space plasmas. It combines basic concepts with current research and new observations in interplanetary space and in the magnetospheres.
Graduate students and young researchers starting to work in this special field of science, will find the numerous references to...
Observations and physical concepts are interwoven to give basic explanations of phenomena and also show the limitations in these explanations and i...
Die vollstandig uberarbeitete zweite Auflage der Rechenmethoden der Physik fuhrt beispiel- und praxisorientiert in mathematische Handwerkszeuge wie Differentialgleichungen ein. Methoden der Fehlerrechnung, wie im Praktikum benotigt, werden unter konsequenter Verwendung von Verteilungsfunktionen behandelt. Durch die enge Anbindung an das Themenspektrum der Experimentalphysik werden die Rechenmethoden in der Reihenfolge bereitgestellt, wie sie in der Experimentalphysik benotigt werden. Zahlreiche Aufgaben und Losungen vervollstandigen das Buch.
In der neuen Auflage...
Die vollstandig uberarbeitete zweite Auflage der Rechenmethoden der Physik fuhrt beispiel- und praxisorientiert in mathematische H...
Observations and physical concepts are interwoven to give basic explanations of phenomena and also show the limitations in these explanations and identify some fundamental questions.
Compared to conventional plasma physics textbooks this book focuses on the concepts relevant in the large-scale space plasmas. It combines basic concepts with current research and new observations in interplanetary space and in the magnetospheres.
Graduate students and young researchers starting to work in this special field of science, will find the numerous references to review articles as well as...
Observations and physical concepts are interwoven to give basic explanations of phenomena and also show the limitations in these explanations and i...