This comprehensive text focuses on mathematical and numerical techniques for the simulation of magnetohydrodynamic phenomena, with an emphasis laid on the magnetohydrodynamics of liquid metals, and on a prototypical industrial application. Aimed at research mathematicians, engineers, and physicists, as well as those working in industry, and starting from a good understanding of the physics at play, the approach is a highly mathematical one, based on the rigorous analysis of the equations at hand, and a solid numerical analysis to found the simulations. At each stage of the exposition,...
This comprehensive text focuses on mathematical and numerical techniques for the simulation of magnetohydrodynamic phenomena, with an emphasis laid on...
Systemes multi-echelles est une introduction a la problematique des systemes multi-echelles du point de vue du mathematicien applique. Il se compose d'une mosaique d'exemples de problemes issus de la physique au sens large qui presentent pour leur modelisation et leur simulation cette difficulte essentielle de comporter en leur sein des echelles de temps ou d'espace tres differentes.
Systemes multi-echelles est une introduction a la problematique des systemes multi-echelles du point de vue du mathematicien appli...