Earlier studies of subsidized housing assume that segregation is a manifestation of white prejudice, and that the Fair Housing Act of 1968 would significantly remedy inequalities in housing and, in the process, narrow the socioeconomic gap between racial groups. This book argues, on the contrary, that segregation by race and income has been an integral part of federal housing policy from its inception and that white prejudice merely obscures the federal government's role in maintaining segregation.
Despite formal claims of providing decent, safe, and sanitary housing for the poor, the...
Earlier studies of subsidized housing assume that segregation is a manifestation of white prejudice, and that the Fair Housing Act of 1968 would si...
La recherche porte sur le sentiment d'auto-efficacitA(c) des enseignants du secondaire envers les habiletA(c)s techniques dans la formation aux technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC). Elle fait suite A un projet d'intA(c)gration pA(c)dagogique des TIC au lycA(c)e initiA(c) par le Campus numA(c)rique de Niamey. Cette recherche explore le processus d'adoption des TIC par les enseignants ayant reAu une formation en la matiA]re dans le cadre du projet. Une enquAate par questionnaires auprA]s de 69 enseignants de trois lycA(c)es de Niamey a permis de rA(c)vA(c)ler une absence...
La recherche porte sur le sentiment d'auto-efficacitA(c) des enseignants du secondaire envers les habiletA(c)s techniques dans la formation aux techno...