This book focuses on the "Einstein Tower," an architecturally historic observatory built in Potsdam in 1920 to allow the German astronomer Erwin Finlay Freundlich to attempt to verify experimentally Einstein's general theory of relativity. Freundlich, who was the first German astronomer to show a genuine interest in Einstein's theory, managed to interest his architect friend Erich Mendelsohn in designing this unique building. Freundlich's researches were not a success; he came to doubt the very theory he was attempting to prove. (Adequate technology to test Einstein's theory lay many decades...
This book focuses on the "Einstein Tower," an architecturally historic observatory built in Potsdam in 1920 to allow the German astronomer Erwin Finla...
Few scientific communities have been more thoroughly studied than 20th-century German physicists. Yet their behavior and patterns of thinking immediately after the war remains puzzling. During the first five postwar years they suspended their internecine battles and a strange solidarity emerged. Former enemies were suddenly willing to exonerate each other blindly and even morally upright physicists began to write tirades against the 'denazification mischief' or the 'export of scientists'. Personal idiosyncracies melded into a strangely uniform pattern of rejection or resistance to the Allied...
Few scientific communities have been more thoroughly studied than 20th-century German physicists. Yet their behavior and patterns of thinking immediat...
Since its inception in the early part of the twentieth century, quantum physics has fascinated the academic world, its students, and even the general public. In fact, it is or has become a highly interdisciplinary eld. On a topic such as the physicsof the atom the disciplines of physics, philosophy, and history of science interconnect in a remarkable way, and to an extent that is revealed in this volume for the rst time. This compendium brings together some 90 researchers, who have authored approximately 185 articles on all aspects of quantum theory. The project is truly international and...
Since its inception in the early part of the twentieth century, quantum physics has fascinated the academic world, its students, and even the general ...
1 Aim and General Description of the Anthology The purpose of this anthology is to introduce the English speaking public to the wide spectrum of texts authored predominently by physicists portraying the ac tual and perceived role of physics in the Nazi state. Up to now no broad and well balanced documentation of German physics during this time has been available in English, despite the significant role physics has played both politically (e. g., in weaponry planning) and ideologically (e. g., in the controversy over the value of theoretical ('Jewish') vs. experimental ('Aryan') physics), and...
1 Aim and General Description of the Anthology The purpose of this anthology is to introduce the English speaking public to the wide spectrum of texts...
1 Aim and General Description of the Anthology The purpose of this anthology is to introduce the English speaking public to the wide spectrum of texts authored predominently by physicists portraying the ac tual and perceived role of physics in the Nazi state. Up to now no broad and well balanced documentation of German physics during this time has been available in English, despite the significant role physics has played both politically (e. g., in weaponry planning) and ideologically (e. g., in the controversy over the value of theoretical ('Jewish') vs. experimental ('Aryan') physics), and...
1 Aim and General Description of the Anthology The purpose of this anthology is to introduce the English speaking public to the wide spectrum of texts...
Die Relativitatstheorien (RT) Einsteins gehoren zu den meistdiskutierten Theorien der Physik des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Nach der Formulie- rung der sog. 'speziellen Relativitatstheorie' (SRT) im Jahr 1905 nah- men zunachst nur einige Spezialisten von ihr Kenntnis, bis mit ungefiihr fiinf Jahren Verspatung dann auch zunehmend Nicht-Physiker sich mit ihr zu beschaftigen begannen, angeregt durch populiirwissenschaftliche, all- gemeinverstiindliche 'Einfiihrungen' von Kollegen Einsteins wie z. B. Paul Langevin in Frankreich oder Max von Laue in Deutschland. Diese Pha- senverschiebung zwischen...
Die Relativitatstheorien (RT) Einsteins gehoren zu den meistdiskutierten Theorien der Physik des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Nach der Formulie- rung der...
This book offers a broad, comparative survey of a booming field within the history of science: the history, generation, use, and function of images in scientific practice. It explores every aspect of visuality in science, arguing for the concept of visual domains. What makes a good scientific image? What cultural baggage is essential to it? How are imagery and text intertwined?
This book attempts a synthesis. It delves into the rich reservoir of case studies on visual representations in scientific and technological practice that have accumulated over the past couple of decades by...
This book offers a broad, comparative survey of a booming field within the history of science: the history, generation, use, and function of images in...
The 1882 paper by the mathematical physicist Gustav Robert Kirchhoff on diffraction theory is still being discussed to this day, but has never been translated into English. This volume contains the first English translation of the Kirchhoff treatise, as well as background and commentary on it. Included are a biographical introduction to Kirchhoff's life, an analysis of the reception to Kirchhoff's paper through the ages, a discussion on why Kirchhoff's theory manages to produce accurate predictions in spite of being 'wrong', and views on the theory as well as its predecessor and subsequent...
The 1882 paper by the mathematical physicist Gustav Robert Kirchhoff on diffraction theory is still being discussed to this day, but has never been tr...
With contributions from many of today's leading quantum physicists, philosophers and historians, this comprehensive A to Z of quantum physics provides a lucid understanding of the key concepts, both old and new, in quantum theory and experiment.
With contributions from many of today's leading quantum physicists, philosophers and historians, this comprehensive A to Z of quantum physics provides...