ISBN-13: 9783662517956 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 901 str.
ISBN-13: 9783662517956 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 901 str.
With contributions from many of today's leading quantum physicists, philosophers and historians, this comprehensive A to Z of quantum physics provides a lucid understanding of the key concepts, both old and new, in quantum theory and experiment.
"From 'Aharonov-Bohm effect' through to 'zero point energy', this is a useful compendium of about 250 concepts, experimental facts, theoretical proposals, history, interpretations and philosophy. ... it covers a big field and can be well recommended." (K.-E. Hellwig, zbMATH 1318.81001, 2015)
"This is a wonderful book to dip into. ... it begins with the Aharanov-Bohm effect, runs through the Born Rule and the Copenhagen Interpretation ... before ending with Zero-point Energy. ... Kaiser on Feynman Diagrams nicely brings all those elements together, as does Lyre on Gauge Symmetry. ... a book everyone interested in the history and philosophy of quantum physics should have on their desk or even at their bedside ... . it should be on hand electronically via your library's online access." (Steven French, Metascience, June, 2011)
"This work is a collection of 185 articles written by 90 researchers in physics, philosophy, and history. ... Each article aims to include a clear definition of the term, a history of the terminology, and a small list of references. This is a useful compendium ... for persons involved in interdisciplinary work. ... Summing Up: Recommended. Upper-division undergraduate through professional collections." (E. Kincanon, Choice, Vol. 47 (6), February, 2010)
"In diesem voluminösen Band behandeln Experten der experimentellen, theoretischen und mathematischen Physik ... Die einzelnen Artikel sind im Allgemei
nen sehr instruktiv geschrieben ... Besonders die Autoren aus der Physik haben sich große Mühe gegeben, ihre Themen zugleich präzise und verständlich zusammenzufassen. ... Ein schöner ausführlicher Artikel aus erster Hand widmet sich dem inzwischen fast dreißigjährigen Quanten-Hall-Effekt. ... Insgesamt darf man freilich das vorliegende Kompendium der Quantenphysik, gerade wegen seiner interdisziplinären Zusammensetzung, als eine sehr nützliche Bereicherung der quantentheoretischen Literatur empfehlen." (Helmut Rechenberg, in: Physik Journal, April/2010, Vol. 9, Issue 4, S. 56 f.)Aharonov—Bohm Effect.- Aharonov-Casher Effect.- Algebraic Quantum Mechanics.- Angular Momentum.- Anyons.- Aspect Experiment.- Asymptotic Freedom.- Atomic Model.- Atomic Models, J.J. Thomson's “Plum Pudding” Model.- Atomic Models, Nagaoka's Saturnian Model.- Bell's Theorem.- Berry's Phase.- Black Body.- Black-Body Radiation.- Bohm Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.- Bohmian Mechanics.- Bohm's Approach to the EPR Paradox.- Bohr's Atomic Model.- Bohr—Kramers—Slater Theory.- Born Rule and its Interpretation.- Bose-Einstein Condensation.- Bose—Einstein Statistics.- Bremsstrahlung.- Brownian Motion.- Bub—Clifton Theorem.- Casimir Effect.- Cathode Rays.- Causal Inference and EPR.- Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) — Theorem.- Cluster States.- Coherent States.- Color Charge Degree of Freedom in Particle Physics.- Complementarity Principle.- Complex-Conjugate Number.- Compton Experiment (or Compton Effect).- Consistent Histories.- Copenhagen Interpretation.- Correlations in Quantum Mechanics.- Correspondence Principle.- Counterfactuals in Quantum Mechanics.- Covariance.- CPT Theorem.- Creation and Annihilation Operators.- Creation and Detection of Entanglement.- Davisson—Germer Experiment.- De Broglie Wavelength (? = h/p).- Decay.- Decoherence.- Degeneracy.- Delayed-Choice Experiments.- Density Matrix.- Density Operator.- Diffeomorphism Invariance.- Dirac Equation.- Dirac Notation.- Double-Slit Experiment (or Two-Slit Experiment).- Effect.- Ehrenfest Theorems.- Eigenstates, Eigenvalues.- Einstein Locality.- Electron Interferometry.- Electrons.- Ensembles in Quantum Mechanics.- Entanglement.- Entanglement Purification and Distillation.- Entropy of Entanglement.- EPR-Problem (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Problem).- Errors and Paradoxes in Quantum Mechanics.- Exclusion Principle (or Pauli Exclusion Principle).- Experimental Observation of Decoherence.- Fermi-Dirac Statistics.- Feynman Diagrams.- Fine-Structure Constant.- Franck—Hertz Experiment.- Functional Integration; Path Integrals.- Gauge Symmetry.- Generalizations of Quantum Statistics.- GHZ (Greenberger—Horne—Zeilinger) Theorem and GHZ States.- Gleason's Theorem.- Grover's Algorithm.- GRW Theory (Ghirardi, Rimini, Weber Model of Quantum Mechanics).- Hamiltonian Operator.- Hardy Paradox.- Heisenberg Microscope.- Heisenberg Picture.- Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation (Indeterminacy Relations).- Hermitian Operator.- Hidden Variables.- Hidden-Variables Models of Quantum Mechanics (Noncontextual and Contextual).- Hilbert Space.- Holism in Quantum Mechanics.- Identity of Quanta.- Identity Operator.- Ignorance Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.- Indeterminacy Relations.- Indeterminism and Determinism in Quantum Mechanics.- Indistinguishability.- Interaction-Free Measurements (Elitzur—Vaidman, EV IFM).- Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics.- Invariance.- Ithaca Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.- jj-Coupling.- Kaluza—Klein Theory.- Kochen—Specker Theorem.- Landés g-factor and g-formula.- Large-Angle Scattering.- Light Quantum.- Locality.- Loopholes in Experiments.- Lüders Rule.- Mach—Zehnder Interferometer.- Magnetic Resonance.- Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.- Matrix Mechanics.- Matter Waves.- Measurement Problem.- Measurement Theory.- Mesoscopic Quantum Phenomena.- Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics.- Mixed State.- Mixing and Oscillations of Particles.- Modal Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics.- Neutron Interferometry.- No-Cloning Theorem.- Nonlocality.- Nuclear Fission.- Nuclear Models.- Objectification.- Objective Quantum Probabilities.- Observable.- One- and Two-Photon Interference.- Operational Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Axiomatics and Quantum Structures.- Operator.- Orthodox Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.- Orthonormal Basis.- Parity.- Particle Physics.- Particle Tracks.- Parton Model.- Paschen—Back Effect.- Pauli Exclusion Principle.- Pauli Spin Matrices.- Photoelectric Effect.- Photon.- Pilot Waves.- Planck's Constant h.- POVM (Positive Operator Value Measure).- Probabilistic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.- Probability in Quantum Mechanics.- Projection.- Projection Postulate.- Propensities in Quantum Mechanics.- Protective Measurements.- Pure States.- Quantization (First, Second).- Quantization (Systematic).- Quantum Chaos.- Quantum Chemistry.- Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD).- Quantum Communication.- Quantum Computation.- Quantum Electrodynamics (QED).- Quantum Entropy.- Quantum Eraser.- Quantum Field Theory.- Quantum Gravity (General) and Applications.- Quantum Hall Effect.- Quantum Interrogation.- Quantum Jump Experiments.- Quantum Jumps.- Quantum Logic.- Quantum Mechanics.- Quantum Numbers.- Quantum State Diffusion Theory (QSD).- Quantum State Reconstruction.- Quantum Statistics.- Quantum Theory, 1914–1922.- Quantum Theory, Crisis Period 1923-Early 1925.- Quantum Theory, Early Period (1900–1913).- Quantum Zeno Effect.- Quarks.- Quasi-Classical Limit.- Radioactive Decay Law (Rutherford–Soddy).- Relativistic Quantum Mechanics.- Renormalization.- Rigged Hilbert Spaces in Quantum Physics.- Rigged Hilbert Spaces for the Dirac Formalism of Quantum Mechanics.- Rigged Hilbert Spaces and Time Asymmetric Quantum Theory.- Russell–Saunders Coupling.- Rutherford Atom.- Scattering Experiments.- Schrodinger Equation.- Schrödinger's Cat.- Schrödinger Picture.- Selection Rules.- Self-Adjoint Operator.- Semi-classical Models.- Shor's Algorithm.- Solitons.- Sommerfeld School.- Specific Heats.- Spectral Decomposition.- Spectroscopy.- Spin.- Spin Echo.- Spin Statistics Theorem.- Squeezed States.- Standard Model.- Stark Effect.- States in Quantum Mechanics.- States, Pure and Mixed, and Their Representations.- State Operator.- Statistical Operator.- Stern—Gerlach Experiment.- Superconductivity.- Superfluidity.- Superluminal Communication in Quantum Mechanics.- Superposition Principle (Coherent and Incoherent Superposition).- Superselection Rules.- Symmetry.- Time in Quantum Theory.- Trace.- Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.- Tunneling.- Two-State Vector Formalism.- Uncertainty Principle, Indetermincay Relations.- Unitary Operator.- Vector Model.- Wave Function.- Wave Function Collapse.- Wave Mechanics.- Wave Packet.- Wave-Particle Duality: Some History.- Wave-Particle Duality: A Modern View.- Weak Value and Weak Measurements.- Werner States.- Which-Way or Welcher-Weg-Experiments.- Wigner Distribution.- Wigner's Friend.- X-Rays.- Zeeman Effect.- Zero-Point Energy.
Daniel Greenberger, Professor of Physics at the City College of New York, CUNY, USA
Klaus Hentschel, Professor of History of Science and Technology at Stuttgart University, Germany
Friedel Weinert, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Bradford, UK
With contributions by many of today's leading quantum physicists, philosophers and historians, including three Nobel laureates, this comprehensive A to Z of quantum physics provides a lucid understanding of the key concepts of quantum theory and experiment. It covers technical and interpretational aspects alike, and includes both traditional topics and newer areas such as quantum information and its relatives. The central concepts that have shaped contemporary understanding of the quantum world are clearly defined, with illustrations where helpful, and discussed at a level suitable for undergraduate and graduate students of physics, history of science, and philosophy of physics. All articles share three main aims: (1) to provide a clear definition and understanding of the term concerned; (2) where possible, to trace the historical origins of the concept; and (3) to provide a small but optimal selection of references to the most relevant literature, including pertinent historical studies. Also discussed are the often contentious philosophical implications derived from quantum theory and its associated experimental findings.
This compendium will be an indispensable resource for all those seeking concise up-to-date information about the many facets of quantum physics.
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