Until the First Edition of World Fish Farming: Cultivation and Econom- ics was published several years ago, there was little or no economic and technical information on commercial aquaculture either by countries or by species. I tried at that time to partially fill the gap in the literature. In this Second Edition, I have updated data originally presented and increased the scope by adding new countries. New trout data have been added for 10 western European countries; sections on cost of production of food-sized catfish and fingerlings in the USA; new and improved chapters for Japan, Hungary,...
Until the First Edition of World Fish Farming: Cultivation and Econom- ics was published several years ago, there was little or no economic and techni...
The benthic marine community in the Pacific Island Network (PACN) is a complex ecologic system and a diverse taxonomic environment, including algae and corals and other invertebrates. Reef-building corals are the primary architectural organism and are sensitive to environmental degradation; therefore, they are a good indicator of overall health for nearshore park's marine ecosystems. The benthic marine protocol will be implemented initially in four parks: Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park (KAHO), Kalaupapa National Historical Park (KALA), National Park of American Samoa (NPSA), and...
The benthic marine community in the Pacific Island Network (PACN) is a complex ecologic system and a diverse taxonomic environment, including algae an...
Fish are a major component of the coral reef ecosystem, potentially numbering 500 - 1,100 species in Pacific Islands Network (PACN) parks depending on geographic location (Allen et al. 2003, Randall 2005, Randall 2007). This highly diverse assemblage of carnivores, planktivores, herbivores and detritivores serve a variety of ecological functions that affect ecosystem structure, productivity, and sustainability (e.g., Sale 1991, Hixon 1997). Fish assemblages or selected species can also act as indicators of general reef health and provide a warning of environmental stress and potential...
Fish are a major component of the coral reef ecosystem, potentially numbering 500 - 1,100 species in Pacific Islands Network (PACN) parks depending on...