Designing Effective and Usable Multimedia Systems presents research and development and industrial experience of usability engineering for multimedia user interfaces. The book discusses the methods, tools and guidelines for multimedia use and implementation and covers the following topics in detail:
Design methods for multimedia (MM) systems;
Social and cognitive models for MM interaction;
Empirical studies of the effects of MM on learning and behavior;
Design and prototyping support tools;
Intelligent MM Systems and Design...
Designing Effective and Usable Multimedia Systems presents research and development and industrial experience of usability engineering for mu...
Die Mensch & Computer 2003 in Stuttgart ist nach den Vorgangerveranstaltungen in Bad Honnef und Hamburg die dritte Tagung in der jahrlichen Veranstaltungsreihe des Fachbereichs "Mensch Computer-Interaktion" der Gesellschaft fUr Informatik e. Y. (GI). Bereits nach drei Jahren zeich net sich ab, dass sich Mensch & Computer - wie von den lnitiatoren im Fachbereich beabsichtigt und erhofft - zur fiihrenden deutschsprachigen Veranstaltung in dem breiten und interdis ziplinaren Themenfeld der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion entwickelt hat. Dies konnte nur dadurch gelingen, dass sich unterschiedliche...
Die Mensch & Computer 2003 in Stuttgart ist nach den Vorgangerveranstaltungen in Bad Honnef und Hamburg die dritte Tagung in der jahrlichen Veranstalt...
Designing Effective and Usable Multimedia Systems presents research and development and industrial experience of usability engineering for multimedia user interfaces. The book discusses the methods, tools and guidelines for multimedia use and implementation and covers the following topics in detail:
Design methods for multimedia (MM) systems;
Social and cognitive models for MM interaction;
Empirical studies of the effects of MM on learning and behavior;
Design and prototyping support tools;
Intelligent MM Systems and Design...
Designing Effective and Usable Multimedia Systems presents research and development and industrial experience of usability engineering for mu...