Institutions Incorporated draws together aspects of human and organizational corporeality and links them to institutions. Throughout European anthropology and culture the body has been conceptualized as the 'dark side' to soul and reason. This book explores the 'dark side' of institutions, their materiality and the bodily involvement of their users, in an environment where perfection is measured in intangible entities, notably reason and will. This innovative collection takes a closer look at the interplay of the symbolic and the material, and the triad of institutions, bodies and...
Institutions Incorporated draws together aspects of human and organizational corporeality and links them to institutions. Throughout European anthropo...
Global Themes and Local Variations in Organization and Management: Perspectives on Glocalization offers a broad exposition of the relations between the global and the local with regard to organizational and managerial ideas, practices, and forms. This edited volume forges ahead to capture the complexity of modern management and organization that results from the processes of glocalization.
Universality is among the core underlying principles of the management of organizations, as well as of organization and management science itself. Yet, reality reveals enormous variation across social...
Global Themes and Local Variations in Organization and Management: Perspectives on Glocalization offers a broad exposition of the relations between...
Was machen eigentlich Manager wahrend ihres Arbeitstages? In den USA beschaftigt diese Frage seit einigen Jahrzehnten die empirische Organisationsforschung; in Deutschland hat sie seltsamerweise erst in jungster Zeit das Interesse der Forscher gefunden. Die wenigen Arbeiten, die bisher zu diesem Phanomen vorgelegt wurden -sie werden in diesem Buch diskutiert -, beschaftigen sich jedoch allesamt mit dem Topmanagement. Man kann also mit Fug und Recht behaupten, dass der deutsche mittlere Manager ein unbekanntes Wesen ist. Dabei ist weder die Annahme, mittlere Manager seien Miniaturausgaben von...
Was machen eigentlich Manager wahrend ihres Arbeitstages? In den USA beschaftigt diese Frage seit einigen Jahrzehnten die empirische Organisationsfors...