Begin to meditate or renew your practice with thisstraightforward guide that is free from pretension and complication.
Is there a way you can learn to slow down and experience yourself more fully, your life more deeply, and other people in the present moment without adopting a new religious or philosophical ideology? Clark Strand answers with a clear and simple "yes " Short, compelling reflections show you how to make meditation a part of your daily life, without the complication of gurus, mantras, retreats, or treks to distant monasteries.
What is the proper way to breathe? Where...
Begin to meditate or renew your practice with thisstraightforward guide that is free from pretension and complication.
Begin to meditate or renew your practice with thisstraightforward guide that is free from pretension and complication.
Is there a way you can learn to slow down and experience yourself more fully, your life more deeply, and other people in the present moment without adopting a new religious or philosophical ideology? Clark Strand answers with a clear and simple "yes " Short, compelling reflections show you how to make meditation a part of your daily life, without the complication of gurus, mantras, retreats, or treks to distant monasteries.
What is the proper way to breathe? Where...
Begin to meditate or renew your practice with thisstraightforward guide that is free from pretension and complication.