Since Bailey and Cushing (1926), all brain tumor classifications have been called histogenetic. The nosographic position that the tumor types progressively acquired in the classification systems derived from the resemblance of tumor cells to those of the cytogenesis, modified whenever new information became available from different biological research fields and especially from molecular genetics. Classically, on the basis of the rough correspondence between the mature/immature aspect of tumor cells and the benign/malignant biological behavior of the tumors, the histological labels contained...
Since Bailey and Cushing (1926), all brain tumor classifications have been called histogenetic. The nosographic position that the tumor types progress...
Il libro prende le mosse dai pensieri di un giovane che alla maturita liceale si trova affascinato dalla cultura dei classici greco-latini, dai rudimenti filosofici e dall impatto con le scienze fisiche e naturali. Il latino e i suoi naturalisti hanno suscitato un fervore verso la Botanica Sistematica che lo riporta a Linneo e quindi alla conoscenza del mondo naturale, all esperienza della denominazione dell esistente come conoscenza e quindi agli universali di Guglielmo d Occam. La scelta della facolta di Medicina fungera da mediazione fra la filosofia, vista come via alla verita, e la...
Il libro prende le mosse dai pensieri di un giovane che alla maturita liceale si trova affascinato dalla cultura dei classici greco-latini, dai rudime...
Neurooncology has become a science of such great proportions and indefinite limits as to include branches which widely diverge from one another. Therefore, it is not an easy task to fit it all into the narrow framework of a book, though the collaboration among scientists compensates partly for the varying depths of knowledge and ex perience in the individual disciplines. The principal characteristic of this work, how ever, is in casting "pathology" as the common nosographic link. Though scientific progress has brought us well past the nosography of brain tu of departure, the area of mutual...
Neurooncology has become a science of such great proportions and indefinite limits as to include branches which widely diverge from one another. There...