Amidst tightening requirements for eliminating CFC s, HCFC s, halons, and HFC s from use in air conditioning and heat pumps, the search began for replacements that are environmentally benign, non-flammable, and similar to the banned refrigerants in system-level behavior. Refrigerant mixtures are increasingly used as working fluids because they demonstrate desirable thermodynamic, feasibility, and safety characteristics.
Vapor Compression Heat Pumps with Refrigerant Mixtures provides the first comprehensive, single-source treatment of working fluid mixtures and their applications in...
Amidst tightening requirements for eliminating CFC s, HCFC s, halons, and HFC s from use in air conditioning and heat pumps, the search began for repl...
Georg Alefeld Alefeld Alefeld Reinhard Radermacher
Develops the underlying concepts of advanced Rankine-based absorption and compression cycles and introduces the Building Block Approach as a general concept. This book features numerous examples of advanced cycles and includes single- and multi-stage absorption heat pumps and heat transformers and combined systems.
Develops the underlying concepts of advanced Rankine-based absorption and compression cycles and introduces the Building Block Approach as a general c...
Keith E. Herold Reinhard Radermacher Sanford A. Klein
Significantly revised and updated since its first publication in 1996, Absorption Chillers and Heat Pumps, Second Edition discusses the fundamental physics and major applications of absorption chillers. While the popularity of absorption chillers began to dwindle in the United States in the late 1990 s, a shift towards sustainability, green buildings and the use of renewable energy has brought about a renewed interest in absorption heat pump technology. In contrast, absorption chillers captured a large market share in Asia in the same time frame due to relative costs of...
Significantly revised and updated since its first publication in 1996, Absorption Chillers and Heat Pumps, Second Edition discusse...