Neruda s lyricism wakes us up, even in the face of death, to the connections we have with our land, inner and outer. "Los Angeles Times Book Review"
The first authorized English translation of "Aun," considered among Neruda s finest long poems.
More aware than ever of his imminent death, these 28 cantos written during two intensely lyrical days launch the poet on a personal expedition in search of his deepest roots. It is a soaring tribute to the Chilean people, their history and survival that invokes the Araucanian Indians, the conquistadors who tried to enslave them, folklore, the...
Neruda s lyricism wakes us up, even in the face of death, to the connections we have with our land, inner and outer. "Los Angeles Times Book Revie...
This is pure Neruda at his prime, which is to say incomparable. Choice
The Separate Rose represents Pablo Neruda at the peak of his art, and William O Daly has done an important service by bringing it before American readers with such care. The Bloomsbury Review
The coast of Easter Island the most isolated inhabited island in the world is adorned with gigantic and miraculous stone statues. Neruda made a single pilgrimage to Easter Island during a poignant time in his life he was dying of cancer and taking his life s inventory. Out of this journey grew a...
This is pure Neruda at his prime, which is to say incomparable. Choice
The Separate Rose represents Pablo Neruda at the peak ...
Few writers are as integrally bound to a place as Pablo Neruda was to the landscape of Isla Negra on Chile's coast. From his arrival there in the late 1930s to his death in 1973, Neruda captured Isla Negra in images fundamental to an understanding of his work. It was, according to Martin Espada, at Isla Negra where Neruda "in the company of his muse, walked alongside the source of his most lyrical inspiration, the sea...and discovered a new way of seeing, as the ocean became a living metaphor for the infinite riches of the world." The poems, selected from three volumes of Neruda's work, are...
Few writers are as integrally bound to a place as Pablo Neruda was to the landscape of Isla Negra on Chile's coast. From his arrival there in the late...
Pablo Neruda is one of the world s great poets, and Copper Canyon Press has long been dedicated to publishing translations of his work in bilingual editions.
"The Hands of Day" at long last translated into English in its entirety pronounces Neruda s desire to take part in the great human making of the day. Moved by the guilt of never having worked with his hands, Neruda opens with the despairing confession, Why did I not make a broom? / Why was I given hands at all? The themes of hands and work grow in significance as Neruda celebrates the carpenters, longshoremen, blacksmiths, and...
Pablo Neruda is one of the world s great poets, and Copper Canyon Press has long been dedicated to publishing translations of his work in bilingual...
Pablo Neruda, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, finished writing The Captain's Verses in 1952 while in exile on the island of Capri the paradisal setting for the blockbuster film Il Postino (The Postman). Surrounded by sea, sun, and Capri's natural splendors, Neruda addressed these poems to his lover Matilde Urrutia before they were married, but didn't publish them publicly until 1963. This complete, bilingual collection has become a classic for love-struck readers around the world passionately sensuous, and exploding with all the erotic energy of a new love."
Pablo Neruda, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, finished writing The Captain's Verses in 1952 while in exile on the island of Capri the paradi...
El mas grande poeta del siglo xx en cualquier idioma . Gabriel Garcia Marquez Un gran exito desde el mismo momento de su publicacion en 1924 cuando el autor contaba con tan solo diecinueve anos, Veinte poemas de amor y una cancion desesperada causo un fuerte revuelo en la conservadora sociedad chilena debido a su franco retrato de la relacion del autor con dos mujeres. Se convirtio inmediatamente en una de las colecciones de poesia mas leidas, estableciendo a Neruda como una de las mas singulares voces de la poesia en espanol del siglo XX....
Premio Nobel de Literatura
El mas grande poeta del siglo xx en cualquier idioma . Gabriel Garcia Marquez Un gran exito desde el mis...
The atom, a tuna, laziness, lovethe everyday elements and essences of human experience glow in the translucent language of Neruda's odes. Chilean poet Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) wrote three books of odes during his lifetime. Odas elementales was published in 1954, followed in subsequent years by Nuevas odas elementales and Tercer libro de las odas. Margaret Sayers Peden's selection of odes from all three volumes, printed with the Spanish originals on facing pages, is by far the most extensive yet to appear in English. She vividly conveys the poet's vision of the realities...
The atom, a tuna, laziness, lovethe everyday elements and essences of human experience glow in the translucent language of Neruda's odes. Chilean poet...
Pablo Neruda geniet als grter lebender spanisch amerikanischer Lyriker heute Weltruhm. Die Auswahl aus seinen Gedichten zeigt ihn in allen seinen Entwicklungsstufen, allen seinen verschiedenen Formen und Inhalten, die sich zu einer einzigen groen Gonfession vereinen. Neben den Neruda der frhen, modernistischen Periode tritt der Besinger der Dinge und der Geschichte des sdamerikanischen Subkontinents, der gejagte Landflchtige und der mitreiende politische Dichter.
Pablo Neruda geniet als grter lebender spanisch amerikanischer Lyriker heute Weltruhm. Die Auswahl aus seinen Gedichten zeigt ihn in allen seinen Entw...
Coleccion de Oro de los autores mas grandes de todos los tiempos. Este libro es una seleccion de las mas bellas poesias de amor de todos los tiempos. Una extensa recopilacion de obras de reconocidos autores tanto latinoamericanos como espanoles. 200 POEMAS DE AMOR no solo es un libro editado para que los amantes de la poesia lo coleccionen sino tambien para ser obsequiado por ti a esa persona que amas.
Coleccion de Oro de los autores mas grandes de todos los tiempos. Este libro es una seleccion de las mas bellas poesias de amor de todos los tiempos. ...
"The happiness I feel in offering these to you is vast as a savanna," Pablo Neruda wrote his adored wife, Matilde Urrutia de Neruda, in his dedication of One Hundred Love Sonnets. Set against the backdrop of his beloved Isla Negra, these joyfully sensual poems draw on the wind and tides, the white sand with its scattering of delicate wildflowers, and the hot sun and salty scent of the sea to celebrate their love. Generations of lovers since Pablo and Matilde have shared these poems with each other, making One Hundred Love Sonnets one of the most popular books of poetry of all...
"The happiness I feel in offering these to you is vast as a savanna," Pablo Neruda wrote his adored wife, Matilde Urrutia de Neruda, in his dedicat...