Du sollst nicht merken - nmlich: was dir in deiner Kindheit angetan wurde und was du in Wahrheit selbst tust - ist ein niemals ausgesprochenes, aber sehr frh verinnerlichtes Gebot, dessen Wirksamkeit im Unbewuten des einzelnen und der Gesellschaft Alice Miller zu beschreiben versucht. Ihre Analyse dieses Gebots fhrt sie zu einer grundstzlichen Kritik an der Triebtheorie Sigmund Freuds. Die Wirksamkeit des Gebots Du sollst nicht merken zeigt sie anhand ihrer Analysen von Trumen, Mrchen und literarischen Werken auf, wobei aus ihrer Auseinandersetzung mit dem Oeuvre Franz Kafkas ein neues...
Du sollst nicht merken - nmlich: was dir in deiner Kindheit angetan wurde und was du in Wahrheit selbst tust - ist ein niemals ausgesprochenes, aber s...
Als Gott den Garten Eden erschuf, dachte er sich ein grausames Szenario aus: Er schenkte Adam und Eva den Baum der Erkenntnis, verbot ihnen aber, von dessen Früchten zu kosten. Den Ungehorsam seiner Kinder bestrafte der Über-Vater mit schwerem Leid. Dieses Paradies, in dem Fügsamkeit als Tugend, Neugierde als Sünde und Unkenntnis von Gut und Böse als Idealzustand gelten, hat fatale Ähnlichkeiten mit dem, was am Anfang nahezu jeden Lebens steht und gemeinhin das "Paradies der Kindheit" genannt wird: Sobald ein Kind nicht die gottgleichen Gebote der Eltern befolgt, wird es bestraft, wenn...
Als Gott den Garten Eden erschuf, dachte er sich ein grausames Szenario aus: Er schenkte Adam und Eva den Baum der Erkenntnis, verbot ihnen aber, von ...
Die 2007 erschienene Taschenbuchausgabe unterscheidet sich deutlich von der Hardcoverausgabe (1998), sie profitiert nämlich weitgehend von den Forschungen der Autorin der letzten Jahre. In ihrem neuen Nachwort stützt sich Alice Miller auf ihre Korrespondenz mit den Lesern, die sie seit langem auf ihrer Webseite führt, und erklärt dabei in Kürze ihr inzwischen entwickeltes Therapiekonzept.
Die 2007 erschienene Taschenbuchausgabe unterscheidet sich deutlich von der Hardcoverausgabe (1998), sie profitiert nämlich weitgehend von den Forsch...
Historically, we are at the end of the Piscean Age, standing on the brink of the Age of Aquarius. People with intercepted planets have a key role in this transition, in the development of consciousness, because they were born outside the general consciousness. Their lives are as different as their charts. They are the Possibility People. They have reincarnated to assist the World with the transition to the Age of Aquarius. Like every Possibility Person, "My journey is far more significant that the physical events of my life," writes Alice. "It really began when I was taking algebra. I...
Historically, we are at the end of the Piscean Age, standing on the brink of the Age of Aquarius. People with intercepted planets have a key role in t...
He's not what they were hoping for. The last thing Joseph Silver Hawk wants to do is admit it. Born into a prophecy of the Lakota Sioux Nation under the sign of the hawk, Joseph is a messenger, a warrior from the past. His people are expecting a lot from him but he's in trouble, big trouble, and Joseph has to find a way out of it fast.
He's not what they were hoping for. The last thing Joseph Silver Hawk wants to do is admit it. Born into a prophecy of the Lakota Sioux Nation under t...
Author Alice Miller tells the story of Joseph Silver Hawk Argent and Gianni Tassiano's friendship and loyalty toward one another in SILVER HAWK, A Warrior's Respect. When they were boys, Gianni Tassiano crawled through a vent to bring bread to eight year old Joseph Argent who was being kept in a basement under the cruel abuse of Don Antone. As they grew, their friendship remained and although Joseph Silver Hawk Argent struggled to forget the pain of being abused, he never forgot Gianni's acts of kindness that kept him alive. After ten long years of mistreatment, in A Warrior's Respect, Joseph...
Author Alice Miller tells the story of Joseph Silver Hawk Argent and Gianni Tassiano's friendship and loyalty toward one another in SILVER HAWK, A War...
In the 8th novel of the SILVER HAWK Warrior series, I Am My Own Master, Joseph's son is threatened. In order to spare his son, Joseph is taken to Tajikistan, a country in the Middle East, where he discovers a horrible secret. He enters a world of child abuse and sexual slavery to save the son of an exiled King. When he returns to the U.S.A, Joseph ignores the danger facing him and he travels to New York City, making a last and final attempt to free himself from the bonds of being an owned fighter. If you enjoyed I Am My Own Master and you can't get enough of Joseph & Gianni, look for the...
In the 8th novel of the SILVER HAWK Warrior series, I Am My Own Master, Joseph's son is threatened. In order to spare his son, Joseph is taken to Taji...
A writer of poems, plays, essays and fiction, Alice Miller has an MA in Creative Writing from the International Institute of Modern Letters and an MFA from the Iowa Writers' Workshop, where she was a Glenn Schaeffer Fellow. Miller grew up in New Zealand and now lives in Vienna after some time in the United States. The poems in her first, extraordinary full-length collection ask you to force yourself beyond your own boundaries. Ours is a life worth losing, Miller says, let's unlace it from its post and see what creature it becomes . . .
A writer of poems, plays, essays and fiction, Alice Miller has an MA in Creative Writing from the International Institute of Modern Letters and an MFA...
A maniacal killer arrives in the city every year and disappears without a trace. DeMarco Gigliotti is determined that this year, the killer will not get away. In a fast paced thriller packed with vigilante justice two rival Special Investigation Units come together and collide while trying to solve the case.
A maniacal killer arrives in the city every year and disappears without a trace. DeMarco Gigliotti is determined that this year, the killer will not g...