"Es gehört zu den vorrangigen Absichten der strukturalen Anthropologie, zwischen den Begriffen, welche die Phänomene der Gesellschaft beschreiben, Beziehungen zu entdecken, die nicht anekdotische Zufälle sind, die vielmehr eine Systematik aufweisen, hinter der sich eine einsichtige Kohärenz abzeichnet. Und eben das ist das Neue an dieser Art anthropologischer Forschung: den Phänomenen der verschiedenen Bereiche wie Ökologie, Ökonomie, Politik, Recht, Philosophie, Religion, Kunst, Küche usw., die der fachlich beschränkte Partikularismus am liebsten wie solitäre Blöcke behandelt...
"Es gehört zu den vorrangigen Absichten der strukturalen Anthropologie, zwischen den Begriffen, welche die Phänomene der Gesellschaft beschreiben, B...
Traurige Tropen meint das Aussterben der primitiven Kulturen in ihrer Konfrontation mit dem zivilisatorischen sogenannten Fortschritt, mit seiner imperialistischen Zerstrungswut und seinen Krankheiten - in diesem Falle das Aussterben der Indianervlker im Mato Grosso (Brasilien), zu denen Levi-Strauss mehrere ausgedehnte, ebenso abenteuerliche wie gefhrliche Expeditionen unternahm.
Traurige Tropen meint das Aussterben der primitiven Kulturen in ihrer Konfrontation mit dem zivilisatorischen sogenannten Fortschritt, mit seiner impe...
Claude Levi-Strauss John Weightman Doreen Weightman
A milestone in the study of culture from the father of structural anthropology
This watershed work records Claude Levi-Strauss's search for -a human society reduced to its most basic expression.- From the Amazon basin through the dense upland jungles of Brazil, Levi-Strauss found the societies he was seeking among the Caduveo, Bororo, Nambikwara, and Tupi-Kawahib. More than merely recounting his time in their midst, Tristes Tropiques places the cultural practices of these peoples in a global context and extrapolates a fascinating theory of culture that has given the book...
A milestone in the study of culture from the father of structural anthropology
This watershed work records Claude Levi-Strauss's search ...
In Les Structures Elementaires de la Parente, the early opus magnum of French Structuralism, Levi-Strauss tries to explain the systems of kinship and marriage in their enormous diversity and their frequently bizarre institutions, by means of a single principle: the exchange. Exchange is perceived to be the manifestation of fundamental structural constants of the human mind which may also be discerned in other subsystems of culture, most obviously in language. This book represents the first great result of the author's life-long research, dedicated to exploring this relationship,...
In Les Structures Elementaires de la Parente, the early opus magnum of French Structuralism, Levi-Strauss tries to explain the systems of ki...
The anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss was one of the greatest intellectuals of the twentieth century. His work has had a profound impact not only within anthropology but also linguistics, sociology and philosophy. In this short book he examines the nature and role of myth in human history, distilling a lifetime of writing into a few sharp insights. It is a crystalline overview of many of the basic ideas underlying his work, including the theory of structuralism and the difference between 'primitive' and 'scientific' thought and shows why Levi-Strauss remains a hugely important...
The anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss was one of the greatest intellectuals of the twentieth century. His work has had a profound impact not only ...