ties and applications of metals, alloys, ceramics, plastics, and electronic materials by means of easily understandable expla- tions and entertaining historical facts. It is also intended to raise the readers awareness of their obligations to society as pract- ing engineers and scientists. What has been changed compared to the first edition? Na- rally, there is always room for improvement. Accordingly, a large number of additions, corrections, and clarifications have been made on almost each page. Furthermore, the treatment of hi- tech ceramics has been substantially expanded (mostly at the...
ties and applications of metals, alloys, ceramics, plastics, and electronic materials by means of easily understandable expla- tions and entertaining ...
This text on the electrical, optical, magnetic, and thermal properties of materials stresses concepts rather than mathematical formalism. Suitable for advanced undergraduates, it is intended for materials and electrical engineers who want to gain a fundamental understanding of alloys, semiconductor devices, lasers, magnetic materials, and so forth. The book is organized to be used in a one-semester course; to that end each section of applications, after the introduction to the fundamentals of electron theory, can be read independently of the others. Many examples from engineering practice...
This text on the electrical, optical, magnetic, and thermal properties of materials stresses concepts rather than mathematical formalism. Suitable ...
IV theoretisehen V orstellungen, die sieh aus der Messung der elektrisehen Eigensehaften ergeben. Zweifellos wird es lohnend sein, sieh mit ihnen intensiver zu besehiiftigen, als dies bisher gesehehen ist. w. Koster Fur kritisehe Durehsieht des Manuskdpts odeI' Hilfe beim Lesen del' Korrekturen moehte ieh folgenden Personliehkeiten danken: Herrn Professor Dr. J. C. SLATER, Herrn Professor Dr. J. KRONSBEIN, Herrn Professor H. SEITZ und meiner Frau. Besonderen Dank bin ieh meinem lVIitarbeiter, Herrn J. ALFARO HOLBROOK, fur zahlreiehe Diskussionen und Herrn Professor Dr. W. KOSTER fUr se n...
IV theoretisehen V orstellungen, die sieh aus der Messung der elektrisehen Eigensehaften ergeben. Zweifellos wird es lohnend sein, sieh mit ihnen inte...