Going global can be risky business if you don't divest yourself of your ethnocentric thinking. You have to take into consideration your new market's language, work schedules, tastes, lifestyle choices, and cultural associations, and this is the book to help you do that Handbook of Cross-Cultural Marketing shows you how to sensitize your marketing approaches to the cultural norms and taboos of other societies, as well as the importance of demonstrating an interest in and appreciation of different cultures.
Designed to assist both American and foreign companies, Handbook of...
Going global can be risky business if you don't divest yourself of your ethnocentric thinking. You have to take into consideration your new market's l...
Going global can be risky business if you don't divest yourself of your ethnocentric thinking. You have to take into consideration your new market's language, work schedules, tastes, lifestyle choices, and cultural associations, and this is the book to help you do that! Handbook of Cross-Cultural Marketing shows you how to sensitize your marketing approaches to the cultural norms and taboos of other societies, as well as the importance of demonstrating an interest in and appreciation of different cultures.
Going global can be risky business if you don't divest yourself of your ethnocentric thinking. You have to take into consideration your new market's l...
A nation's culture and structure influence the type and degree of innovation achievable within its society. Routes exist for any nation, regardless of its structural or cultural elements, to achieve innovative success and economic development. Clear, concise prescriptions are given to enable managers and societies to determine the structural aspects of their nation that may need adjustment. Managers of international businesses, research and development, as well as researchers in the fields of strategic management, technology, and public policy, will find this comprehensive book on...
A nation's culture and structure influence the type and degree of innovation achievable within its society. Routes exist for any nation, regardless...
Donald W. Hendon Rebecca Angeles Hendon Paul Herbig
Cross-cultural business negotiations are an important part of international business. Much business has been lost overseas due to miscalculations caused by cultural differences. Negotiating is a lengthy, difficult process by itself; but, when one adds the cultural aspect it becomes extremely intricate. Cross-cultural negotiation skills can be improved by adequate attention to details and a better understanding of the cultural heritage of the other side. This work examines cross-cultural negotiations from the point of view of a practitioner, and provides country profiles with advice on how...
Cross-cultural business negotiations are an important part of international business. Much business has been lost overseas due to miscalculations c...
The Japanese are not the world's greatest marketers. Japanese companies approach and perform marketing within Japan differently than Western firms do within their domestic markets. In fact, marketing to the average Japanese firm is not a priority item. To succeed in Japan, they concentrate instead on production quality and low prices. This fascinating look at the cultural differences, reflected in their marketing practices, reveals the advantages and disadvantages of Japanese marketing practices. The author argues that as the advantages of a protected market and superior production and...
The Japanese are not the world's greatest marketers. Japanese companies approach and perform marketing within Japan differently than Western firms ...