Dennis R. Heldman Richard W. Hartel Richard W. Hartel
The approach to teaching the concepts of food processing to the undergrad uate food science major has evolved over the past 40 years. In most under graduate food science curricula, food processing has been taught on a commodity basis. In many programs, several courses dealt with processing with emphasis on a different commodity, such as fruits and vegetables, dairy products, meat products, and eggs. In most situations, the emphasis was on the unique characteristics of the commodity and very little empha sis on the common elements associated with processing of the different commodities. Quite...
The approach to teaching the concepts of food processing to the undergrad uate food science major has evolved over the past 40 years. In most under gr...
In the food industry, controlling crystallization is a key factor in quality as it relates to texture, with some foods requiring the promotion of crystallization and others its prevention. In the first publication to focus specifically on this process as it applies to food, Crystallization in Foods covers fundamental principles in ice, sugar, and lipid crystallization, and their applications. Drawing on examples throughout of the practical use and impact of crystallization on food structure, texture, and quality; and enhanced with numerous equations and illustrations,...
In the food industry, controlling crystallization is a key factor in quality as it relates to texture, with some foods requiring the promotion of crys...
Cosa mangia l America nell era moderna? Probabilmente molte delle cose che mangeremo anche noi nel prossimo futuro.
Ormai la dinamica dei flussi e chiara: l hamburger e la Coca Cola sono solo i simboli di un modello di consumo che, con diverse sfaccettature, ha definitivamente contaminato la nostra cultura del cibo. Se per noi gli spaghetti sono intoccabili e la pizza continua a essere il piu gettonato tra i fast food, e comunque vero che le giovani generazioni sentono irresistibile il richiamo del cibo made in USA. All insegna dell intercultura e del mercato...
Cosa mangia l America nell era moderna? Probabilmente molte delle cose che mangeremo anche noi nel prossimo futuro.
Emulsifiers have traditionally been described as ingredients that assist in formation and stabilization of emulsions. The definition, however, may be expanded to include mixing of mutually insoluble phases. Foams (gas in liquid or solid) and dispersions (solids in liquids or other solids) may be stabilized by emulsifiers. For this reason, the terms emulsifier and surfactant are used interchangeably. The first emulsifiers were naturally occurring surface-active proteins, such as egg or casein. With advances in chemical and engineering technologies, the array of emulsifiers has been greatly...
Emulsifiers have traditionally been described as ingredients that assist in formation and stabilization of emulsions. The definition, however, may be ...
Ice Cream, 7th Edition focuses on the science and technology of frozen dessert production and quality. It explores the entire scope of the ice cream and frozen dessert industry, from the chemical, physical, engineering and biological principles of the production process to the distribution of the finished product. It is intended for industry personnel from large to small scale processors and suppliers to the industry and for teachers and students in dairy or food science or related disciplines. While it is technical in scope, it also covers much practical knowledge useful to anyone...
Ice Cream, 7th Edition focuses on the science and technology of frozen dessert production and quality. It explores the entire scope of the i...
Food Bites is an easy-to-read, often humorous book on the scientific basis of the foods we eat, and answers those pesky, niggling questions such as: Is the quality of beer really affected by the type of water used? and Processed foods: good or bad? Readers will be captivated by this superbly written book, especially so as their guides are Richard Hartel, professor of Food Engineering at UW-Madison, and his daughter, AnnaKate Hartel. Professor Hartel has for the last four years penned a witty and illuminating column on all aspects of food science for the Capital Times of Madison, and his...
Food Bites is an easy-to-read, often humorous book on the scientific basis of the foods we eat, and answers those pesky, niggling questions such as: I...